Reconcile Account

This is where you can reconcile your accounts with bank statements.

FROM THE MENU: Miscellaneous, Financial, Reconcile Account

  • Account: Select the account you wish to balance.
  • Statement End Date: Looking at your statement, enter the statement end date.
  • Starting Balance: This will be provided to you based on the ending balance from the last reconciliation.
  • Ending Balance: Looking at your statement, enter the ending balance. No commas or dollar sign.
  • Debits Cleared, Credit Cleared, Difference: All calculated for you based on the selections you make when clearing.
  • Bank charges: Enter any bank charges that appear on the statement. No comma or dollar sign.
  • Charges Account: Choose the appropriate bank charges account.
  • Interest: Enter any interested received that appear on the statement.
  • Interest Account: Choose the appropriate interest account.

Click the SUBMIT button or press ALT+S to display the results of your selections.

The Cleared word is a toggle button. It will select or unselect all. Select all transactions you wish to clear.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.