
This area will list the monies collected through a specific date and deposit them into a bank account.

FROM THE MENU: Miscellaneous, Financial, Deposit

  • Undeposited Funds Account: Select the appropriate undeposited funds account that is holding the monies you wish to deposit.
  • Bank Account: Select the bank account you wish to deposit the funds into.
  • Transactions Thru: Enter the date you wish to view transactions through. This cannot be a future date/time, but it can be in the past.
  • Total Amount to Deposit: This will calculate the amount of money to deposit from the transactions you select to deposit.

Click the SUBMIT button or press ALT+S to display the results of your selections.

This will bring up the Transactions to Deposit screen.

This will allow you to select the specific transactions you wish to deposit.

The list is grouped by user with subtotals by user. The bottom is a total of all users, separated by payment method, and displaying the total deposit amount.

Select each transaction to be deposited. The word Deposit at the head of the first column is a toggle button, it will select or unselect the deposit checkbox for all transaction.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to deposit the selected transactions.