If you wish to move a payment from one fee to another, you can do an adjustment. Go to the case where the payment was made. Click on the requirement where a payment was applied.
Requirement Status
Often when a payment is applied to a requirement it pays the fee in full. This automatically puts a requirement status of “Paid in full” on the requirement. This is a closed requirement status. You can not do an adjustment on a closed requirement. It won’t appear on your list. If you want to move the payment from this requirement, you must remove the requirement status. Simply change the status back to the – Select – option and the requirement will be open again.
Delete/Remove the paid in full status:
Click the Update button to save your work.
In this example, the person wanted to pay $50.00 to the Admin Fees and $50.00 to the Restitution. Scroll to the bottom of the Requirement Detail screen and click on Options, then select Adjustments.
In the amount column in the requirement line where the payment was applied, subtract the amount you wish to move (-50.00) and add it to the requirement line where you wish to apply the payment (50.00).
Click the Update button to save your work.
The liability accounts will not be changed until you go through the Make Disbursable process.