Detention Wellness Checks
System Setup

Log Book Names

Menu | Tables | GVT | Log Book Names

A wellness logbook must be created for each pod or location.

Click the “Ad a new entry” and add a descriptive name for the new wellness logbook

Location Code for Facility

Menu | Tables | GVT | Location Code for Facility

To associate a Wellness Check log book with each location (pod) in the detention center:

  • Click on each existing pod
  • On the Log Book line select the appropriate wellness log book
  • Click the “Update” button to save the changes.
  • Repeat the process for each pod or location within the detention center.

Log Book Default Text

Menu | Tables | GVT | Log Book Default Text

Provide a list of common activities or behaviors that officers may observe during wellness checks. These are some examples.
Assigning a letter or number before each behavior text is a simple yet effective way to control the order in which they will be displayed.
The Log Book line is used to limit a specific entry to the log book specified.