Delinquent/Unruly Cases

Delinquent/Unruly Overview

(View instructions

Adding a Person to Quest

In Quest, everyone is considered a person, including delinquent/unruly children and their parents. Additionally, there are Agency people in Quest, such as professionals like attorneys, DCS workers, court staff, law enforcement officers, etc. Individuals are added to cases according to their role in that case, but first, everyone must be added as a person.

New Petition/Citation/Complaint

When a new Petition is received, the child must be added to the system, and a new case is created for each new episode. One Petition may contain multiple counts if they occurred during a single episode with the same Petitioner and it will be one case. TCA 37-1-187 defines what constitutes a case and an episode.

(View instructions)  (New Petition Quick Reference Guide)

Transfer In

Cases may be transferred to your court for disposition.

(View Instructions


This section shows the process If a child is detained pending disposition.

(View Instructions

Bench Orders

If there is probable cause that the child is a dependent and neglected child, the judicial officer can order the child placed in DCS custody as a D&N.

(Bench Order

Preliminary Inquiry

This section shows the process If a child is detained pending disposition.

(View Sumner County Preliminary Inquiry Process)  (PowerPoint)

Transfer to Adult Court

If the State files a Petition to Transfer, the Transfer process begins.

(AOC Power Point about Transfer Cases)

(Quest Power Point) (Transfer Quick Reference Guide)


There are 3 types of diversions:

(Diversion Cheat Sheet)

Teen Court

If you have a Teen Court Program, you can process the forms in Quest.

(Under Construction)


When a child is found to be guilty of the alleged offenses, the child is adjudicated a delinquent child, an unruly child, or a traffic offender and a disposition may be entered.


If you supervise a child on Diversion or Probation, there are several screens specifically built for you. This section shows the process for Supervising, Extending, Violating and Discharging.


Assessments & Case Plans (Creating Case Plans by Zac Rood Video) (PowerPoint)

Expunging a juvenile case

When a child files a Motion to Expunge the juvenile record, the Court may grant or deny the Motion or set it for hearing. An entire case gets expunged, not individual charges in a case.


Data Reporting Requirements

(Video) (Power Point)

District Attorney/Public Defender

The District Attorney’s Office and the Public Defender’s Office can be on Quest if allowed by the Court. They can file petitions, motions, and proposed orders.

(Under Construction)

Fill in the blank delinquency forms

Every county asks to see what the forms look like in Quest. Here is a list of the common documents in Quest.
