Clerk Duties

These duties are listed as Clerk duties, but each county is unique in who performs them. Someone other than the Clerk may handle these duties in your county.

Clerk Duties

This section describes duties such as how to File Stamp, Certify Orders, Assign the Document to someone, Email the document, Send orders to Parties/Attorneys, Order Book/Filings, Adding documents, and showing proof of service.

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Courtroom Clerk Duties

This section will show you how to use the Court Docket in the courtroom, take hearing notes, type court orders, update cases after court proceedings if orders are not yet issued, dispose of hearings, and schedule new hearings.

(View Instructions


There is a full financial system in Quest.

(View Instructions) 


This section will show you how to expunge cases in Quest.

(View Instructions


(This section is under construction)