
This area lets you know everything a person must complete in order to close their case.

From the MENU: Case, Requirements

  • Case: You can choose to view only one particular case or by changing case field to select you can view the requirements on all cases.
  • Show names/cases: If you select this option, it will show the name and case for each requirement.
  • Financial View: If you select this option, it will narrow the list to only the fee requirements.
  • Show details: If selected, you will see details, including requirement notes:

From the CASE DETAIL screen:

To add a Requirement:

  • Requirement Type: Select the type of requirement.
  • Requirement Code: Select the appropriate code.
  • Provider: Select the service provider who will be providing this service, if applicable.
  • Assigned Date: Date the requirement was ordered.
  • Start Date: Date the requirement started.
  • Scheduled End Date: Date this requirement is scheduled to end.
  • New End Date: If another end date is necessary due to an extension of some kind enter the new end date.
  • Status and Status Date: Used to display the current status of this requirement. The status date reflect the date of the status. As the status changes, the date should also.
  • Assessment frequency: If you want to assess periodic fees, select the frequency the fee should be assessed.
  • Type: The type of assessment.
  • Amount: The amount of the periodic fee.
  • Initial type and Amount: If it is a one-time fee instead of a periodic fee, you add the initial type and amount here.
  • Cases: If you added the requirement from a case, that case will be selected. If you added from the menu, you will need to select which case this requirement is for.
  • Default Payee: If you have restitution for example, you can click on get name button, which will pull up a list of case assignments and relatives, and you can select the victim. You then know who to make the restitution check payable to.
  • Notes: You can make any notes necessary regarding the specifics of this requirement.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Depending on the type of requirement you add, there may be more detailed areas that will appear. These are described below in the requirement detail section.

Transaction Templates:

If you are adding a fee requirement, you may be taken directly to a transaction template once you update. For example, if your jurisdiction charges a client for every drug test taken, you may want one requirement called Drug Screen Fees. Each type of drug test may have a different fee, so rather than have a lot of requirements for all the drug fees, you can set up a template that will allow you to select the type of fee. This is also used in many jurisdictions for court costs. A court cost of $91.00 is actually composed of $2.00 to this agency and $20.00 to another agency, etc. The transaction templates allow the Clerk to assess the court costs correctly.

Requirement Type: Fees

Requirement Code: Drug Screen Fees

Assigned Date: Date of first drug screen.

Once you Update, you are taken to the transaction templates.

You then can select which fee you wish to assess.

If you hover over the template, it will display which account is being effected and the amount of the fee.

Once you select the desired template, you still have an opportunity to change the amount if necessary.

Update to add the fee.

Transaction Templates were added to Quest in 2013. There are many possibilities with this new section.

Requirement Detail:

Once you have added your basic requirement, several areas are now available. All requirements have Cases, Attributes, and Alerts.

Requirement Cases:

This will show you the names and cases this requirement is attached to. If you wish to add another case to the existing requirement, you can click on ADD to select another case by this person. You could also click on the existing name and case, click the NEW button, and all the other open cases will be available for you to select. Warning, when attaching one requirement to multiple cases, make sure they are going to run concurrently with each other. If one case closes before the other case, there is no way other than deleting that case from this requirement to show that they completed this requirement in the closed case at an earlier date.

Requirement Attributes:

Attributes is a statistical area, fully customizable by jurisdiction, where you can keep information about that particular requirement.

Click Edit to select the appropriate attribute.

It can contain any information you need to capture and it can be grouped any way you wish.

Requirement Alerts:

Alerts can be set up for such things as electronic monitoring alerts.

  • Alert date: Enter the date/time of the alert.
  • Alert type: Select the appropriate type of alert.
  • Alert finding: Select the appropriate finding.
  • Notes: Enter any applicable notes.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Phases for this Requirement:

Many programs have phases a person must complete to move through the program. Drug Court is an example of such a program.

  • Start Date: The date the person starts this phase.
  • Phase: The phase the person is currently in.
  • Current Status: Select the current status of this phase.
  • End Date: The date this phase is completed.
  • Notes: Any notes you wish to make about this phase.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Under each phase is a list of items that person must do to complete that phase of the program.

As the person completes each item, you can click on the phase to update the items and notes.

After the phase is completed, you can add the next phase.

Treatments for this Requirement:

Click on ADD to add a treatment. 

  • Start Date: The date the person starts this treatment.
  • Treatment: The treatment the person is currently receiving.
  • Current Status: Select the current status of this treatment.
  • End Date: The date this treatment is completed.
  • Notes: Any notes you wish to make about this treatment.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Incentives and Sanctions for this Requirement:

You can keep track of the different incentives and sanctions this person received.

Click ADD to add incentives or sanctions. Incentives and sanctions work the same, so for illustration purposes I will only display incentives.

Action Date: Date of incentive or sanction.

Incentive/Sanction: Choose the appropriate incentive or sanction.

Reason: Select the reason for the incentive/sanction.

Notes: Any notes you wish to make.

Requirement Phase Hours:

Some programs are based on length of time. If so, you can keep track of phase hours.

  • Completion date: Date person completed these hours.
  • Type of Hours: Select the appropriate type of hours.
  • Hours: Type the number of hours completed.
  • Notes: Any notes you wish to make about these hours.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Requirement Components:

If you need to keep track of sentencing information, you can set up a requirement type/code for that purpose.

Under requirement cases, you may notice that this requirement is added for a specific filed statute count.

Enter the specific sentence that was given for that count.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Requirement Concurrency:

You can specify if this sentence is to run consecutive, concurrent, before, or none to any other sentence that has been added.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Requirement Balances:

When you add a financial requirement, you have two new sections, Balances, which is the Account totals, and Requirement Transactions. Quest uses a double entry accounting system so every transaction has two entries, one is a debit to an account, and the other is a credit to an account. Under the account totals, you will see the balance of each account. This is something that the computer generates so you as a user are unable to add or edit anything in this section.

Requirement Transactions:

This section allows you to assess fees, take payments, waive payments, make journal entries, etc. based on your authority. Click on the Options button to select your action.

Add a Transaction:

Adding a transaction can be used for a payment of fees, or can be used to show community service hours performed.

  • Date: Enter the date/time of the transaction.
  • Type: Select the type of transaction you would like to make.
  • Amount: Enter the dollar amount or the number of hours worked.
  • Payment method: If taking a payment, you must select the payment method.
  • Payor or Payee: The person making a payment. You can click on the Lookup button below Address to select the person from a list of case assignment people and relatives. By selecting the person this way, their address will be added to the receipt.
  • Transaction number: This is automatically assigned by the system.
  • Memo: If you wish to make a note on the transaction.
  • Reference number: Often used for the check number.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Assess Fees:

Assessing a fee is just like adding a transaction.

  • Date: Enter the date/time of the transaction.
  • Type: Select the type of transaction you would like to make.
  • Amount: Enter the dollar amount of the fee.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Take a Payment:

When you select the take a payment option, all open fee requirements for this person, regardless of case, will appear. The fees are sorted by which fee should be paid first. Quest will put the payment on the first fee automatically. If you wish to change the payment to a different fee, simply delete the amount off the first line and add it to whatever fee you wish to pay.

  • Date: Enter the date/time of the payment.
  • Tendered: Enter the amount of money given to you. If they hand you $50.00 and they only owe $25.00, the amount paid will automatically change to $25.00 and the change due will reflect $25.00 in change is due.
  • Amount paid: This is a required field, so you can skip the tendered line and just put amount paid if you know there will be no change due.
  • Change due: The amount of money to be returned to the client.
  • Payment method: Select the appropriate type of payment.
  • Credit card fee: If the client paid by credit card, and it is your policy to charge a fee for that service, enter the fee amount here.
  • Received from: The person making a payment. You can click on the Lookup button below Address to select the person from a list of case assignment people and relatives. By selecting the person this way, their address will be added to the receipt.
  • Transaction number: This is automatically assigned by the system.
  • Memo: If you wish to make a note on the transaction.
  • Reference number: Often used for the check number.
  • Payment type: This will automatically select the type of transaction for you. If you change the amount to another line, after you update this will be selected.
  • Amount: This is the amount of money being applied to each fee.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Once you have saved your payment, you can Click on VIEW RECEIPT to print the receipt and assign a receipt number. Cancel out of the print preview screen to return to the PAYMENT DETAIL screen.

An easier way to take payments is from the MENU, Case, Requirements screen, with the financial view option selected.

You will be able to see the total amount due and any notes associated with the requirement.

If you take a payment from this window, you are still taken to the Payment Detail window shown above.

To Void a Transaction:

Select the transaction you wish to void.

In the payment detail screen, click the VOID button.

Type in the Void Reason, click the VOID button to save your changes.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

In the Requirement Transactions, you will see that the payment has been voided, a General Journal Entry has been made, and the Restitution Due is back to the amount before the payment.

Waive Fees:

On the List Requirements Screen, or on the Requirement Detail Screen, click the Waive Fees button, just like taking a payment.

  • Date: Enter the date/time.
  • Amount paid: Enter the total amount of fees being waived.
  • Transaction number: This is automatically assigned by the system.
  • Memo: If you wish to make a note on the transaction.
  • Reference number: Enter a reference number if applicable.

Go to the amount column and enter the amount each fee is being waived. If there are options under Waiver type column, you will need to select the appropriate option.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

You will see under the account totals that the balance due is now $0.00.


In the event you take a fee payment and you applied it to the wrong fee, you can make an adjustment.

  • Date: Enter the date/time.
  • Adjustment amount: Enter the total amount you wish to move.
  • Amount: Enter a negative amount on the wrong fee, and a positive amount on the right fee.
  • Memo: Enter an explaination of why you are making an adjustment.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

Under account totals you will see the current balance for this fee requirement, and under requirement transactions you will see an adjustment.

Add a General Journal Entry:

The general journal is where double entry bookkeeping entries are recorded by debiting one or more accounts and crediting another one or more accounts with the same total amount. The total amount debited and the total amount credited should always be equal, thereby ensuring the accounting equation is maintained.

Click on the requirement, click on the Options, click on the Add a general journal entry.

Choose the accounts that will be effected. Type your credit and debit amounts. Make a memo entry explaining the transaction.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

See more about General Journal Entries

To close a requirement:

Click on the Assigned date of the requirement you wish to close, update the status and status date.

  • Status: Select the appropriate status.
  • Status date: The date of the new status.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

To add a requirement for community service work:

A person is ordered to complete so many hours of community service work. Therefore, the requirement acts like a fee payment. Hours are assessed, then they are worked or “paid”.

Click on the Requirement. On the Requirement Transactions, click Options, click Add a Transaction.

  • Date: Date work was done.
  • Type: You can assess (add) hours or show hours served (performed).
  • Amount: Total number of hours added or worked.
  • Memo: Where work was performed.

Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.

On the requirement screen, it will show the total hours remaining.