Folder Locations
This area allows you to track the physical location of a file folder. If the file is somewhere other than its normal storage area, like with a Special Judge or in an area that it unusual, please indicate where the file is currently located.
There can be case folders such as the court file, and there can be person folders, such as a medical file.
From the MENU: Case, Folder Locations
From the CASE DETAIL screen:
To Add a new location for a folder:
Click either Add a new location for the case, meaning folder involves information on this case, or add a new location for the person.
- Folder type: Select the appropriate type of folder.
- Removed date/time: The date and time you removed the folder from its normal location.
- Returned date/time: Date and time you put the folder back in its normal location.
- Location: Type in the current location of the folder.
Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT U to save your changes.
The folder’s current location is displayed in red, and as you can see it does not have a returned date. When it is a person folder, it is highlighted and the location is shown below.
In the CASE DETAIL screen, in the Folder location section this information is also displayed. You can see that the probation file was in the top location from 11/6/13 thru 11/7/13. If it says thru present, that is the current location of the folder.
Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT U to save your changes.
To Return a Folder:
Simply click on the open folder location of the folder you wish to return.
Enter the returned date/time.