

How can I add credentials to a person’s name, so they print with their name?

  • On their Person Detail screen, you can add a “Notes” entry for credentials. GVT: ENTRYTYPE. There is a FF OPER/08 that will print their name and the Notes entry.

Is there a way to limit an attorney to only viewing cases they are assigned to?

Must have rule Secure Person and/or Secure Case turned on.

  • Rules: Tennessee Secure Person (GAW094) – Provides specialized security about who can see specific people in Quest based upon hard coded rules.
  • Rules: Indiana Secure Person (GAW050) – Provides specialized security about who can see specific people in Quest based upon hard coded rules.

How can I restrict an employee from viewing information about their child or someone they know?

How can I see what an employee has been doing in Quest?

  • We do have a query called List documents by court for a date range. In that query you can put in a date range and a user ID and see the docket entries made.

Menu | Miscellaneous | Local | Local Options | Common Quest Queries | List documents by court for a date range

  • There is also a query that will show every screen the person went to in Quest.

Menu | Miscellaneous | Local | Local Options | Common Quest Queries | Access log

How do I add a new employee or remove an employee who has left?

Can users change their own passwords if they forget them?

How can I see if a user’s signature has been captured?

  • Create a test template @SIGN-TEST for example that uses FF PSNSEQ/10 to assign the document to someone, then have a variable pointing to FF ASSIGNED/22 to check the signature.

ID number:

The ID number must be unique for anyone from the same agency. The ID number can be the same if from different agencies. For attorneys, if you want their attorney number to print after their name on documents, the ID number should be their attorney number. The FF Assigned template function will put this number after their name on documents they sign. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter that much, it is just an identifier. Can be the same as their User ID. Can be formatted any way up to 10 characters. It is not case sensitive.

Person Type

The Person type is used for all kinds of things, such as putting a title after a person’s name when they sign documents (FF OPER). You can break down reports by person type. Different person types show up on the History screen. The person type sets up what types of quest messages the user gets, if any. Also is paired with assigned role.

I had an attorney ask if there was a way to get notice by email only. He does not want to get Quest notices. Is there a way to do that?

  • Yes there is! The Person Type table controls how a person gets messages in Quest. In some counties we have two person types for Attorney: ATYQ and ATYE, Q means they get quest messages, and E means they get email messages. It is important the Long Description is still Attorney as that potentially gets printed places. The ATYE person type could be set up as: ‘O’ indicates the user should receive only non-document related messages.

  • GVT: Person type (PERSONTYPE) – Allows you to specify what type of person this Quest user is.
  • Default Tables: Person type for case workers (CASWPERSONTYPE) -Allows you to specify the person type for a case worker.
  • Default Tables: Person type for other case workers (OTHERPERSONTYPE) –Allows you to specify the person type for other case workers.
  • Default Tables: Person type for probation officers (PROBPERSONTYPE) – Allows you to specify the person type for a probation officer.


The Agency tables are used for setting up users, for incident referrals, for writing checks, for security purposes such as keeping one agency from reading notes made by another agency. You can pull certain reports by agency. You can do a name search for everyone in the system from a certain agency.

  • GVT: Agencies (AGENCY) – Allows you to set up different agencies used throughout the system.
  • Default Tables: Agency (AGYAPPR) – This is used with the template function FF AGYAPPR. It displays a list of all the agency people that match the short description code.

  • Default Tables: Agency for probation officers (PROBAGENCY) – This is used in various reports to identify the agency for probation officers.
  • Rules: Copy Agency Contact Information (GAW128) – Every time you add an agency person, this rule will automatically add the Agency address and contact numbers for that person.
  • Rules: Secure Case (GAW057) – Nobody from a specified agency can see a case from another user from that agency.
  • Rules: Tennessee Secure Case (GAW155) – Provides specialized security based upon hard coded rules. In summary, the rules are: A person can only see a case if the home court matches the person’s employer agency.


Using the Division area is a perfect way to group your users so it is easy to find them. When you do a name search, you can search for a specific Division. If your Agency is Allen County Probation, you can have different Divisions, such as Intake, Field, etc. This not only works with Name Search but also with Menu | Supervision | Caseloads.


Same as Division, the Unit area groups your users so it is even easier to find them. Useful in Name Search and Caseloads.

  • GVT: Unit within a division (UNIT) – Allows you to group Quest users by unit within a division or department.

Quest Authorization Group

This is the security group section.

  • GVT: Security groups (GROUPID) – Allows you to set up different security groups so users can be placed into the appropriate security group to have authority to the different areas of Quest.
  • Reports: Authorized users – This report produces a list of all people with access to Quest.

Quest User ID

This is a person’s sign on for Quest. A person’s activity in Quest is tracked using their User ID. User IDs can be any format you wish, up to 18 characters. It is not case sensitive.


This is their password to log into the system. Passwords can be simple or complex. They are case sensitive.


An Agency person is different from a user simply because they don’t have a Quest User ID, a security group, or a password. This is for professional people assigned to cases but who don’t have Quest access. Attorneys, DCS caseworkers, Law Enforcement Officers, etc.

How do I ensure agency people assigned to the case won’t get mail at their home address?

Use Template Function: FF AGYCASP/59 in your templates. It has the rule built in that if a person is assigned to the case it will not send notice to their home address. Make sure the GVT: Address Type (ADDRESSTYPE) has Home (Y/N): y on it.

How do I find which cases an attorney is assigned to?

Menu | Supervision | Caseload. Click on Lookup button, do name search. It will tell you all the cases where their name is assigned to the case.

How can I find when an Agency person is going to be in court next?

Menu | Court | Case Person Schedule. Click on Lookup button, do name search. Put in a date range and it will tell you all the hearings scheduled on cases where this person is assigned to the case.


File numbers are unique person ID numbers. You can search the system by name or by file number. Status allows you to show the person is deceased or missing for example. The status can print following the name if desired. You can also pull lists of people with a specific status, such as missing, on the bulletin board or active list.

How do I merge duplicate people?

Process: Merging People

How do I remove unused sections from the Person Detail screen?

Menu | Tables | GVT | Defaults | PersonDetail

How do I remove the ability to add an Incident from the Person Detail screen?

Menu | Tables | GVT | Defaults | ShowAddIncident

  • GVT: Generation (GENERATION) – Allows you to select if a person is a Jr/Sr, I, II, III, etc.
  • Template Functions: Formats file numbers (FF FilNbr)
  • GVT: Status (PERSON STATUS) – Allows you to indicate a specific status for a person, such as alive, deceased, missing, etc.
  • Default Table: Default Person Status for an Identity (PERSONSTATUS) – Allows you to set the default for the identity status of a new person being added. For example, alive.
  • Rules: Change Person Status (GAW085) – Changes a person’s status when a ‘Date of Death’ is entered. Also ends the person address so we don’t continue to send mail to them.

  • Reports: Potential identity matches (PotentialMatches) – This report will go through all the people in Quest and product a list of all possible duplicate people.

  • Custom Queries: Identities added/updated over a date range (identities.jsp) – This query will list all identities that have been added or updated during the report date range. If will provide the name of the person, their file number, race, sex, dob, ssn, and who added or last updated this person.

Identifying Information:

Is there a report for cases where the children have aged out?

  • Seal Cases of People Over Age (SealOldCases) – This report will search for specific case types and search the names associated with the case to determine if all are over a specified age. You can program the report to seal the case once found. It can also add a person or case attribute if found. It will provide a report that informs you of those people and cases found.

Is there a report to show the race and ethnicity for the people of a certain case type such as Dependency & Neglect?

Case status statistics Report will break down a case type by race and sex.

Monthly/year to date statistics Report will break down a case type by race and sex.

  • Default Table: Identity detail screen validations (IDFIELDS) – Allows you to define whether specific identity detail screen fields are required or not, such as race, ethnicity, sex, dob, and ssn. Warning: If they are required and a user doesn’t have that information, they won’t be able to add the person at all.
  • GVT: Race (RACE) ** IMPORTANT ** Codes for Race can only be 2 characters.
  • Template Functions: Formats race of first id (FF Race)
  • GVT: Sex (SEX)
  • Template Functions: Formats sex of first id (FF Sex)
  • Template Functions: Formats date of birth of first id (FF Dob) – This function is used to format the date of birth, place of birth, and/or age of the first identity tied to the form.
  • GVT: Ethnicity (ETHNICITY)
  • Template Functions: Formats ethnicity of first id (FF IDBLK/10)
  • GVT: Citizenship (CITIZENSHIP)
  • Template Functions: Formats citizenship of first id (FF IDBLK/11)
  • GVT: Language (LANGUAGE)
  • Template Functions: Formats language of first id (FF IDBLK/12)
  • GVT: Marital status (MARITALSTATUS)
  • Template Functions: Formats marital status of first id (FF IDBLK/13)
  • GVT: Religion (RELIGION)
  • Template Functions: Formats religion of first id (FF IDBLK/14)
  • Template Functions: Formats height of first id (FF Height)
  • Template Functions: Formats weight of first id (FF Weight)
  • GVT: Hair color (HAIRCOLOR)
  • Template Functions: Formats hair color of first id (FF Hair)
  • GVT: Eye color (EYECOLOR)
  • Template Functions: Formats eye color of first id (FF Eyes)
  • Template Functions: Formats social security number of first id (FF SSN)
  • Template Functions: Formats identifying information (FF IDBlk) – This function is used to format identifying information for the first person tied to the document, such as age, dob, sex, race, birthplace, height, weight, hair, eyes, ethnicity, citizenship, language, marital status, religion, physical identifiers.

Is there a way to customize what sections appear on the person detail screen?

Why yes there is!!


  • User Manual: Photos
  • Rules: GAW091 Indiana Secure Photos – Secures a person’s photo by ensuring the rules as follows: 1) If user from PROB’ agency, then they can view all photos; 2) If user is from ‘PROB’ division, then they can view all photos; 3) If anybody else, the child must be 14 at the time of an incident with a felony statute.
  • Template Functions: Capture a photo and add it to document (FF TakePhoto) – This function provides the ability to use an attached camera and take a photo to be placed in the document.
  • Template Functions: Formats the photo of first id (FF Photo) – This function is used to format the photo of the first identity tied to the form.

Person Attributes

  • GVT: Person attribute type (ATTRIBUTETYPE) – Allows you to add certain attributes about a person that you wish to track.

  • Rules: Secure Person Attribute (GAW133) – This rule is designed to limit access to regular, special, and/or at risk person attributes. By default, everyone authorized to view person attributes can view these. With this rule, you can define which group(s) should NOT be authorized.
  • Template Function: Person attributes (FF PAttrib) – Lists all person attributes for each person tied to the document in various formats.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=personAttribute

  • Report: Identity attribute inquiry (AttributeInquiry) – This will produce a list of everyone who matches the person attributes you’ve selected. You can narrow this list to only include certain criteria, such as only open cases, specific race, ethnicity, sex, age, active cases before or after a certain date, to name a few.


We have mailing addresses and physical addresses; how can I select the specific address I want to use?

  • Template Functions: Formats a selected address (FF AddressL) – Puts the selected address into the document. There are various formats to choose from.

OR… if you are creating a letter you can make sure the mailing address has a sort order of 1 and physical address has a sort order of 2 for example so mailing address is always the first address.

If you want ALL addresses to print without having to select them, your address variable can have ‘allActive=y’ then all active addresses will print.

Can I make it so the email address doesn’t print on a document even if that is the preferred method?

Yes, use FF AGYCASP/59. If the variable starts with a ‘-‘, then it will not output an email address .

  • GVT: Address Type (ADDRESSTYPE) – This allows you to create different types of addresses for a person, home, work, placement, etc. It allows you to put a sort sequence and determine if this type of address should be considered a “protected address.”
  • Default Tables: Default address type for an address (ADDRESSTYPE) – This table allows you to set the default address type that should appear when a person is entering a new address for someone.
  • Default Tables: Default City for an address (CITY) – Allows you to set a default city so when a person adds a new address the city is already listed.
  • GVT: State (STATE) – Allows you to add states and countries.

  • Default Tables: Default State for an address (STATE) – Allows you to set a default state so when a person adds a new address the state is already listed.
  • Default Tables: Require Zip code on addresses (Y/N) (REQUIREZIP) – Allows you to make the zip code a required field when adding an address.
  • GVT: County (COUNTY) – Allows you to add your state’s counties.
  • Default Tables: Default County for an address (COUNTY) – Allows you to set a default county so when a person adds a new address the county is already listed.
  • GVT: Address Attribute Type – Sets up Longitude and Latitude for address mapping. DO NOT CHANGE!!

  • Default Tables: Automatically select lives with on add of address (AUTOSELLIVEWITH) – This controls the automatic feature that selects relatives who “live with” a person when an address is added or updated so their address is updated as well.
  • Rules: Send Message for Address (GAW143) – Sends a message to specific case assignments if an address is changed for a person.
  • Rules: Protect Address (GAW156) – This is meant to protect specific address type from people who would otherwise be authorized to it.
  • Rules: Allen End Home Address (GAW074) – This rule is designed for Allen County to automatically end all open home addresses when a protected address is added.
  • Rules: Validate Address (GAW077) – Validates an address against the United States Postal Service database.
  • Template Functions: Formats address of first id (FF Address) – Prints the address with or without phone numbers in various formats. This formats the address of the first identity tied to the form.
  • Template Functions: Formats a selected address (FF AddressL) – Puts the selected address into the document. There are various formats to choose from.

Contact Numbers

How can I block the public access portal from seeing cell phone numbers?

Use Rule GAW157.

How do I get notes on the contact numbers?

Must have a notebook type called PHON – Contact Number Notes.

Users must have authority to that notebook.

  • GVT: Contact Number Type (NUMBERTYPE) – Allows you to add contact numbers for a person such as cell, home, email, etc.
  • Rules: Protect Phone (GAW157) – This is meant to protect specific phone number type from people who would otherwise be authorized to it.
  • Template Functions: Formats phone of first id (FF Phone)

Emergency Contacts


How do I know if someone’s parental rights have been terminated?

Changing the Relative Type to something like “Terminated Mother” and changing the custody status to “Parental Rights Terminated” will allow you to see that this person is the child’s mother, but her rights have been terminated.

  • GVT: Relative Type (RELATIVETYPE) – Allows you to add options for the different types of relatives.
  • GVT: Custody Status (CUSTODYSTATUS) – Allows you to add options for the different types of custody.
  • Template Functions: Sel relatives/names (FF Relatn) – Displays a list of document names as well as relatives for each identity tied to the document. Allows the selection of one or more. Prints such things as name, address, phone numbers, relative type, DOB, SSN, Race, and pob. These print in various formats.
  • Template Functions: Select assignments/relatives/document names (FF AgyCasP) – Has various functions that allow you to select case assignments, relatives, and/or document names that will output their names, types, addresses with or without phone numbers, update event appearances with appeared yes or no. These are used for the appearance sections in orders, addresses for letters or subpoenas, and certificate of service sections.
  • Template Functions: Select people (FF People) – Lists all document names, case assignments and relatives tied to a document. You select the person you wish to process.


How can I find all the known members of a gang?

One way is to add the alias type of “gang affiliation” and add the name of the gang to the person as an alias. You can then do a name search for that gang and get a list of members.

Physical Identifiers

Other Identifiers

Can I put an “other” ID on a caption? Some counties use a “Reference Number” to represent a physical file number. I want to put it on the caption under the case number.

@v/file/ = FF OTHERID/04

  • GVT: Identifier type for OtherIDs (IDTYPE) – Allows you to add options for the other numbers that may be associated with a person.
  • GVT: Status for OtherIDs (OTHERIDSTATUS) – Allows you to add options for the status of the other ID numbers that may be associated with a person.
  • Rules: Validations (GAW149) – Validates various database objects. At the moment, it works for OtherIDs.
  • Template Function: Select other ids (FF OtherID) – Displays a list of other IDs for each person attached to the document. Allows user to select one or more IDs. This prints in various formats, with or without the notes.
  • Reports: Family assignment audit (FamilyAssignmentAudit) – This report will search all open cases to find those that are missing the “other identifier” that represents the family ID number.

Schools Attended

How do I notify the schools of Detention and Dispositions of their students?

IN School Notification Process

  • GVT: School (SCHOOL) – Allows you to add the names of the various schools that are available in your area.
  • GVT: School corporation (SCHOOLCORP) – Allows you to add the names of school corporations so the different schools can be identified by their school corporation.
  • GVT: School status (SCHOOLSTATUS) – Allows you add different status options for school status.
  • Default Tables: Default School Status for ‘unknown’ (SCHOOLSTATUS?) – Allows you to indicate the code that means “unknown” for the school status. This is used by the report: End old open schools attended that ends schools attended after a specified period of time.
  • Rules: Change School Status (GAW126) – Changes the person’s current school status when all cases for the person have been closed.
  • GVT: Last grade attended in school (LASTGRADE) – Allows you to control the options available for the last grade attended for the school section.
  • Template Functions: Select schools (FF School) – This function lists all schools for each person tied to the document. The user selects the school and the information about that school prints in various formats.
  • Reports: End old open schools attended (EndOpenSchoolAssignments) – This report will change the status of the schools attended section to “unknown” if it still shows “attending” and the status date is more than 2 years old.
  • Custom Queries: Open cases with no active school assignment (opencasesnoschool.jsp) – This query lists all open cases for the selected case type where at least one person on the case is active, has no current school assignment and is currently under 18 years of age. It will list the case number, current case status, case name, and PO.


  • GVT: Employment status (EMPLOYSTATUS) – Allows you to control the options available for the status of a person’s employment.
  • Template Functions: Select employers (FF Employ) – Displays a list of employers for each identity tied to the document. Information about the employer prints with various information.


  • GVT: Financial information type (FINANCIALTYPE) – Allows you to add Income, Asset, and Expense accounts to the Financial section of the Person Detail screen.
  • Template Functions: Select financial info (FF Financial) – Displays a list of identities tied to the document along with their relatives. Outputs the name and financial information of everyone selected.

Medical Alerts

  • GVT: Medical code (MEDICALCODE) – Allows you to add options for the Medical Alerts section.
  • Template Functions: Select medical alerts (FF MedNeed) – Lists all medical alerts for each person tied to the document and allows you to select the one you wish to print. The medical information is formatted in various ways.

Medical Treatments

  • GVT: Medical Treatment Type (TREATMENTTYPE) – Allows you to add options for the Medical Treatment section. Medical Treatments can be simply notes or they can have details added to them.
  • Rules: Secure Medical Treatment (GAW146) – This is meant to protect medical treatments from being seen by people who would otherwise be authorized to them.
  • Template Functions: Select medical treatments (FF MedTrt) – Lists all medical treatments for each person tied to the document. It prints the treatment information in various formats.

  • GVT: Medical treatment detail type (DETAILTYPE) – Allows you to add details to Medical Treatment types.
  • Template Functions: Auto Select treatment details (FF TreatA) – Automatically includes the treatment details of the group matching the variable name for all people tied to the document.

Substance Reports

We added a new substance list report type called “Averhealth Lab Test,” how can I auto assesses the $10.00 fee when this report type is selected?

Can Quest automatically select people for random drug testing?

Yes! See Setting Up Random Drug Testing for instructions on how to do this.

  • GVT: Substance report type (REPORTTYPE) – Allows you to add the different types of drug testing your county uses.
  • GVT: Substance type (SUBSTANCETYPE) – Allows you to add the different types of substances your county tests for.
  • Rules: GAW117 Event to Substance Report – Creates a substance report when an event is completed ‘successfully’. You also have the option as to whether you want to do this for court events.
  • Rules: GAW118 Contact to Substance Report – Creates a substance report when a contact is added.
  • Template Functions: Select substance reports (FF Subst) – This function lists all substance reports for each person tied to the document. The substance results print in various formats.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addSubstanceReport

  • Reports: Substance reports over period (SubstanceStats) – This report will provide the findings of the substance tests given during a date range. It will list the name of those people, the date of the test, and the results of the test. It will also provide a summary of all test findings.
  • Custom Queries: Substance reports – with totals by age (substanceabusecounts.jsp) – This query will list all substance reports of the selected type that were added during the report range for the specified case type. It will list the date of the substance report, type, substances found, name, age, sex, and current school. This query will also provide statistics for positive results based on age and sex.


  • GVT: Entry type for identity notes (ENTRYTYPE) – Allows you to add the different types of identity notes your county can add to the person detail screen. This can also be a place to store credentials of users, such as Mental Health staff with credentials following their name. Ph.D, HSPP


  • GVT: Notebook type (NOTETYPE) – Allows you to add the different types of notebooks your county can add to the person detail screen.


How can I get more roles than just Probation to appear on the History screen?

Menu | Tables | GVT | Defaults |

These case types will all appear on the history screen.

When I print the history screen, I’d like to remove some of the cases before sending it, how can I do that?

While viewing the history screen, simply click anywhere on the case information of the case you wish to hide and when you print that shaded case will not print.

Video about History Screen

  • Default Tables: Customize the list history screen (HISTORY) – The history screen shows the facility stay locations in the “current location” spot. This table allows you to add other requirements that are also considered locations such as a placement requirement or a commitment requirement.
  • Default Tables: Case types to display on criminal history – The Criminal History tables allow you to customize the types of cases that will appear when you use the FF CR HIST template functions.
  • Template Functions: Format criminal history (FF CR HIST) – Provides a list of cases similar to the history screen, that can be pulled into a document.
  • Template Functions: Number of (FF Counts) – Counts the number of things for a person, such as guilty violations, violations, guilty felonies, guilty misdemeanors, closed requirements, successful and unsuccessful requirements.
  • Template Function: Retrieve conditions from parms (FF SavCond) – This function retrieves the GAWParms specialConditions variable and outputs it as the response to the next variable in the form. This is handy if you want to see the results of your counting for example.


Case Detail

Case number: 92JC1-2018-JD-2

Video about how to add a case from a document

How can I see who viewed a certain case?

  • Custom Queries: Access log – This report will display where a Quest User has been in the system, or which users have viewed a specific case or a specific document.

How can I be informed of all new cases?

How can I find out how many new cases were filed last year?

  • Custom Queries: Cause numbers generated for a date range – This report will provide a list of cases opened for a date range and will list the current status of each case. You can select the “display totals only” option and it will give you how many cases of each case type were opened during the date range.

How can I find how many open delinquency cases there are?

Reports: Monthly YTD Report

Reports: Open Cases

How can I find how many cases were open on a specific date, like as of 12/31/18?

Reports: Open case counts (OpenCaseCounts) – If you run this report with a date range of 12/31/18 to 12/31/18, for a specific case type or all case types, it will tell you how many open cases you had on that date.

Custom Queries: List case statuses for a date range

I have an attorney who is requesting the file on a case from about a year ago. I have a vague memory that there is a way to get this out of Quest without having to go document by document and screen by screen. Am I right about that?

Reports: Create document packet (DocumentPacket) – This report will combine all of a person’s or case’s documents into a single PDF that can be sent out.

Is there a way to customize which sections appear on the case detail screen?

Why yes there is!

  • GVT: Case Type (CASETYPE) – Allows you to define the different case types that will be used by your county.
  • Default Tables: Case type table entry customizations (CASETYPE) – This table provides the options that will allow you to skip certain sections in a specific case type.

Case Detail

  • Default Tables: Show only active cases on data entry lists (Y?N) (ACTIVECASESONLY) -Allows you to only show active cases when you are selecting which case to add something to, such as an event, incident, requirement, etc. It hides the closed cases.
  • Rules: Secure by Open Case (GAW129) – Secures a record by checking for open case. Most groups only have access to the record if the person has an OPEN case of a type the user is authorized to. If a person does not have an open case, certain areas of their record can be hidden, such as substance reports, contact notes, etc.
  • Rules: Validate Case (GAW138) – Performs logical validations on a case.
  • Reports: Audit cases for logical errors (AuditCases) – This report will look at the cases and determine if there are any errors. You know when you go to close a case and you get an error message that users ignore? This will help you find all those cases with errors so you can fix them. Things like “case open but no case names are active” and “case closed but requirements are still open.”
  • Reports: Cases open beyond specified period (OpenCases) – This report will provide a list of all the cases, either for a specific case type or all cases, that have been open for longer than you specify. If you specify 180 days for example, this report will list all cases that have been open for longer than 180 days starting with either the file date or the date of the last hearing.
  • Reports: Audit agency cases for logical errors (AuditAgencyCases) – This report will look at cases to determine if they meet the criteria set up in this audit report. You can require the open cases to have a specific assigned role, such as a GAL. You can require open cases to have an assigned/home court, or they must have a case number, or each case person must have an other ID. In addition you can include the audit cases for logical errors information.

  • Reports: Case Efficiency Statistics (CaseEfficiency) – This report will look at specific case types and determine the efficiency or how long it takes to get to disposition from various starting points such as referral date, preliminary inquiry date, and filed date.  It compares all referrals to those who have had an alternative to detention and secure detention.  It breaks it down by race and sex and provides a beautiful graph of the results.

  • Reports: RAI Efficiency Statistics (RAIEfficiency) – This report will look at specific case types and risk assessments. It will report recidivism based on risk assessment level, race and sex and provides a beautiful graph of the results.

  • Reports: Open people by court (OpenPeopleByCourt) – This report will list show how many people there are with open cases in each court. It will sort the case types by groupings so delinquency cases are displayed as a group, and D&N cases are displayed as a group, or Family cases are displayed as another group. It will also report how many of these people are over 21.
  • Reports: People with Both Delinquency and Dependency Cases (DuallyIdentified & DuallyIdentified2) – There are actually two reports that are available. DullyIdentified provides a nice list of all the children who have both delinquency and dependency cases in Quest. DullyIdentified2 takes that nice list and expands it to include permanency plans, placements, assessments.
  • Reports: Recidivism extract (Recidivism) – This report will look at case types, requirements, or incidents to provide a list of potential people who have reoffended.

  • Reports: Model Court Dependency Statistics (DependencyStats) – This report will provide the number of new dependency petitions filed for the reporting year. It will average that caseload for the number of judicial officers who hear these cases. It will list the number of children under the court jurisdiction and in out of home placements. It will show how many achieved permanency and the type, the number of orders terminating parental rights, the number of appeals and the length of time for many points in the case. It will also provide recidivism numbers.

  • Custom Queries: Open cases with no active school assignment (opencasesnoschool.jsp) – This query lists all open cases for the selected case type where at least one person on the case is active, has no current school assignment and is currently under 18 years of age. It will list the case number, current case status, case name, and PO.

Case Type

  • GVT: Case Type (CASETYPE) – Allows you to define the different case types that will be used by your county.
  • Default Tables: Case type table entry customizations (CASETYPE) – This table provides the options that will allow you to skip certain sections in a specific case type.

  • Reports: Attorney Average Life of Case Report (AttorneyAvgLifeOfCase) – This report will list the type of case type, broken into different severity levels if applicable, how many cases of each type were filed during the time period, and the average days to disposition for each type of case. This report can be pulled for different agencies and different assigned roles.

  • Reports: Open case counts (OpenCaseCounts) – This report will produce an excel spreadsheet with every open case in Quest. You can set up the report for a specific case type, like Dependent/Neglect. It will show every case that is still open, show information about assigned roles if desired, and will list the permanency plan requirements. This is a great report to help clean up cases that are open and shouldn’t be or that are missing information.
  • Custom Queries: Persons with open CHINS and Delinquency cases (openchinsanddelinq.jsp) – This query will provide a list of names and file numbers of the people who have an open JC case AND an open JD or JS case.

Cover Sheet

The cover sheet appears on every event screen.

  • Rules: Indiana Update Cover Sheet (GAW140)- Automatically formats and updates the oldest cover sheet entry for a case. The entry is added if it doesn’t already exist.


I sealed the case but the probation officer who doesn’t have access to sealed cases can still see it.

If a person is assigned to the case, they can still see it. If they shouldn’t be able to see the case, their name should no longer be assigned to the case.

  • Template Function: FF Update: command=updateCase – Allows you to update the Access such as Sealed or Confidential.
  • Reports: Seal Cases of People Over Age (SealOldCases) – This report will search for specific case types and search the names associated with the case to determine if all are over the age of 21. If so, it will seal the case. It can also add a person or case attribute indicating it has sealed a case. It will provide a report that informs you of those people and cases found.


When a case has been expunged, how can I remove substance results and other information?

  • Rules: Secure by Open Case (GAW129) – Secures a record by checking for open case. Most groups only have access to the record if the person has an OPEN case of a type the user is authorized to. If a person does not have an open case, certain areas of their record can be hidden, such as substance reports, contact notes, etc.

Process: Expunging a Case

Assigned/home Court

The Assigned/home court is used for many things, such as formatting the case number, putting orders in an order book for that court, you can pull different reports by a specific court. In some cases the Print Pending Notices reports are set up by Assigned Home Court. This has nothing to do with who is presiding over the hearings. Many counties have multiple Judges and this area is used in weighted caseload studies to determine if there is an even distribution of cases between the different Judges.

How can I get the home court to default to a specific court?

In the table: case type, you can define the default court.

Will Quest automatically assign a case to the next Judge in a rotation?

Yes – Rules: Default Home Court (GAW076) – Defaults the home court when a case is added. It will check to see if the case name has previously been assigned to a single court. If so, it will assign the case to that court, regardless of what the user may have entered.

Can I make the assigned/home court a required field so users don’t skip it?

Yes – Default Tables: Official court required on case detail screen? (COURTREQUIRED) – Allows you to make the assigned/home court a required field when a case is added. Default Tables: Only allow official courts for court assignment? (OFFICIALCRTONLY) – Allows you to specify if all courts can be an assigned/home court or if only “official” courts can be assigned.

Our county has multiple courtrooms and locations, can Quest automatically add those locations to documents?

Yes – Template Function: Court assigned to first case (FF Court) – Allows you to use the assigned/home court to put information based on that court into your documents. This is helpful when you have multiple court locations.

  • Table: Courts
  • Reports: Open caseload breakdown by court (CourtAssignments) – This report will list the total number of open cases, with how many people are associated with those cases for each assigned/home court. It will breakdown how many are over 21 years old. If you’ve used other ID to identify “families” it will also report how many families each court has open.

How can I find the open cases that don’t have an assigned home court?

Reports: Open people by court (OpenPeopleByCourt) – will show you if you show details

Case Caption

This area can be used to type the case caption if it differs. For example, in Indiana a JP case type can either be a In Re the Matter of Support or In Re the Matter of Paternity. Rather than ask the question each time a motion or order is created, the caption can simply be pulled from this area.

  • Template Function: Format case caption (FF ItemTxt) – This function puts the information typed in the Case Detail ‘Case caption’ into a document.


The recommendation area is used in many statistical reports. In Indiana this represents how the probation department, after completing a preliminary inquiry, initially recommend proceeding with the case; Informal Adjustment, File Petition, Refer to other Agency, Dismiss, etc. In Tennessee, this area is being used to determine what was filed to start a new case, Complaint, Petition, Citation. Once added, this should never be changed.

State’s Decision

The State’s Decision area is also used in many statistical reports. In Indiana this represents how the state initially decided to handle the case, which may differ from probation’s recommendation. Once added, this should never be changed.

  • GVT: State decision regarding filing of case (STATEDECISION) – This table provides the options for how the state decided the case should be handled.
  • GVT: Recommendation regarding filing of case (RECOMMENDATION) – this table allows the option to automatically set the State’s Decision if desired. If recommendation is refer to other agency, state’s decision can automatically be refer to other agency as well.
  • Rules: Update State Decision (GAW072) – This is meant to act as a trigger to update the state’s decision and decision date when a document is file stamped.

  • Template Function: FF Update: command=stateDecision – This will allow you to update the State’s Decision from a document, such as a Delinquency Petition being filed.

There is no report to pull the cases with a specific State’s Decision, but the State’s Decision can automatically add a case status and you can use custom queries to pull cases with a specific case status.

Names associated with the case

This area represents the parties in a case. Best practice is to never add an Agency such as the State or DCS or an Agency Person, such as DCS Caseworker, to this area, but add them to the Names Assigned area instead.

  • GVT: Role in case (PERSONROLE) – Allows you to add party types to the case that appear in the Names associated with the case. This is normally Petitioner, Respondent, Child, Defendant, etc.
  • Template Function: Format total cases for first personID (FF NbrCmpl) – Produces the total number of cases for the person attached to the document.
  • Template Function: Format names (FF Names) – Formats the first middle and last names for each identity associated with the document. You can program it to use initials only and to include alias names. This can be limited to only those names that match the specific role specified in the defaults table INRE or it can be limited to match a specific variable. For example, in a Dependency & Neglect case, in the caption if you only want the children to appear, not the petitioner and respondent, you can limit the role to CH or whatever your code for child is.
  • Template Function: Select names (FF NameSel) – This function allows you to select names. The names can include file numbers, address, dob, age, ssn, race, sex, pob, complaint, and role in case. They will print in various formats.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=caseName – You can add Names associated with the case through a document.

Names currently assigned to the case

This area allows you to add people who are assigned to the case, such as Probation Officer, DCS, DCS caseworkers, Witness, Victim, Attorney, GAL, etc.

How can I automatically assign a person to the case?

Can I automatically reassign the existing Attorney, GAL, YSO, Judge when a new case for that family is added?

Yes! Set up Rules: GAW174 Add Case Assignment

Can I automatically add myself to the case?

Template Function: FF Update – Add Case Assignment

How can I automatically end their assignment?

Template Function: FF Update: command=endCaseAssignment

Can I end all the names assigned to the case when I add a certain case status?

  • If a case status means “inactive” it will end all the names assigned to the case.

What if I need to keep the victim or victim advocate’s name assigned to the case if the case is closed but for restitution payments?

  • Add the rule parm: CloseCase.keepAssignmentOpenOnInactiveStatus.n=<CASE ASSIGNMENT ROLE>

How do I ensure people assigned to the case won’t get mail at their home address?

UseTemplate Function: FF AGYCASP/59 in your templates. It has the rule built in that if a person is assigned to the case it will not send notice to their home address. Make sure the GVT: Address Type (ADDRESSTYPE) has Home (Y/N): y on it.

How do I find which cases an attorney is assigned to?

Menu | Supervision | My Caseload. Click on Lookup button, do name search. It will tell you all the cases where their name is assigned to the case.

Is there a way to limit an attorney to only viewing cases they are assigned to?

Must have rule Secure Person and/or Secure Case turned on.

  • Rules: Tennessee Secure Person (GAW094) – Provides specialized security about who can see specific people in Quest based upon hard coded rules.
  • Rules: Indiana Secure Person (GAW050) – Provides specialized security about who can see specific people in Quest based upon hard coded rules.

Victim has called in and wants to know what is happening on their case, but they don’t know the name of the defendant, how can I find it?

Menu | Case | Victim/Witness Assignments. Click on the Lookup button, find your victim, the cases where they are assigned as a victim or witness will be listed.

How do I find out how many guardian ad litems were appointed during a time period?

Pull the report New/Ended Case Assignments. Hopefully all the attorneys were entered as an agency called attorney. You can put in the agency ATTY and the appropriate ROLE, such as GAL or Appointed, etc.

Is there a report I can run that would tell me all of the cases that have a CASA assigned?

Reports: Open assignments by court (OpenAssignmentsByCourt) – This report will list how many open assignments for a specific agency there are for each assigned/home court. This is a great report if you want to see how many public defenders, guardian ad litems or CASA are currently assigned to cases in each court.

Can I automatically put the probation officer’s or GAL’s name in a template without having to select it?

Yes, you can use template function, FF ProbCur. You can define the role= in the variable notes.

How can I find everyone who has ever been assigned to every case of a person?

Menu | Supervision | Assigned Persons

Choose *ALL for Assigned role to display

Can I get a list of all the cases where a specific person was the Petitioner in Names Assigned to the case?

Menu | Case | Victim/Witness Assignments. This will provide a list of every case where this person was assigned regardless of role.

  • GVT: Assigned Role (ASSIGNEDROLE) – Allows you to add the different role that people assigned to the case can have, such a Probation Officer, Guardian ad litem, Attorney, etc.
  • Rules: No Duplicate Roles (GAW100) – Prevents 2 or more people from being assigned to the same case at the same time with a specified role.
  • Rules: End Case Assignments (GAW089) – Ends all open case assignments of the specified type when a new assignment of the same role is added.
  • Rules: Secure Case (GAW127) – Secures specific cases. Person must be directly assigned to the case or the supervisor of a person directly assigned.
  • Template Function: Format case assignments (FF CaseAssgn) – Formats the name, person type, agency, address, phone number of a specific case assignment role. For example, you could display the information about the Probation Officer or the Public Defender assigned to a case.
  • Template Function: Format current probation officers (FF ProbCur) – Formats the names of all active probation officers (determined by the Defaults table entry ProbPersonType) for the cases tied to the document. Can also be used to pull any defined role into the document.
  • Template Function: Formats name of witnessPersonID (FF SubPNam) – Used for printing batch subpoenas.
  • Template Function: Sel assign/relative/doc (FF AgyCasP) – Lists all case assignments for each personID/caseID tied to the document. If no caseID is specified, then case assignments for all the cases for the personID will be listed.
  • Template Function: Select appearances (from agency) (FF AgyAppr) -Allows you to pull up a list of everyone in a specific agency so you can select them. Functions 00-04 work great in the Comes Now section to list everyone appearing in court. 10-14 allow you to add the selected agency person as a name assigned to the case. 20-24 pull up people from your own agency, division, or unit so you can select them as having appeared, or to put their contact information in a document.
  • Template Function: Select assignments/relatives/document names (FF AgyCasP) – Has various functions that allow you to select case assignments, relatives, and/or document names that will output their names, types, addresses with or without phone numbers, update event appearances with appeared yes or no. These are used for the appearance sections in orders, addresses for letters or subpoenas, and certificate of service sections.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addCaseAssignment – This will allow you to automatically add a person to the Names currently assigned to the case.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=endCaseAssignment – This allows you to end the role of someone no longer involved in the case.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addCaseAssignment
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=endCaseAssignment

  • Reports: Case Assignments for Period (CaseAssignmentsForPeriod) – This report will list every assigned role, how many of each active role there was at the start of the period, how many were assigned during the period, and how many were active at the end of the period. If you ever wanted to know how many GALs were appointed during the period, this would tell you that. This can be run by court if desired.

  • Reports: New cases over a period (NewCasesOverPeriod) – This report will list all cases that opened during the time period. It will allow you to select a specific role and it will tell you if that role was assigned to the case during the time period. For example, if you wanted to see how many cases that opened last month have a GAL or a Public Defender assigned, this report will tell you. You can pull this by specific case type.

  • Reports: New/ended case assignments (NewAssignments) – This report asks you to select an agency or a user id, and it will list all the cases and the date of the assignment start and end date. If you run it for an entire agency, such as the public defender’s office, it will list the names of each public defender and list their cases that started or ended during the time period. If you choose it for a specific user id, it will only list their cases.

  • Reports: Attorney Workload Summary Report (AttorneyWorkloadSum) – This report will look through the attorney case assignments to determine the number of new case assignments, ended case assignments and the total caseload per attorney at the end of the reporting period. Great for Public Defenders or GALs.

  • Reports: Open assignments by court (OpenAssignmentsByCourt) – This report will list how many open assignments for a specific agency there are for each assigned/home court. This is a great report if you want to see how many public defenders or guardian ad litems are currently assigned to cases in each court.

  • Reports: Workload measure (WorkloadMeasure) – This reports the number of cases each person from the selected agency has assigned to them. It breaks down the number of cases by supervision level and hours. It also reports how many PDR, PI and Review Reports each officer created during the time period. It then gives averages and total by division and unit.

  • Reports: Agency person statistics (AgencyPersonStats) – This report will show by person how many case assignments, events, contacts, filed statutes, and statute dispositions were made for the month.
  • Reports: Appointment Statistics (AppointmentStats) – This report uses the Order Appointing GAL and Order Appointing Counsel to determine how many GAL’s were appointed and how many Attorneys were appointed by each judicial officer during a time period. It will also look at fee requirements to determine the number and amount of administrative Fees assessed and waived. Used in Tennessee.

Case attributes

This is a statistical area, customizable to each county, to track whatever you wish to track about a case.

  • GVT: Case Attribute Type (ATTRIBUTETYPEC) – Allows you to add options for gathering statistics about the case.
  • Template Function: Case attributes (FF CAttrib) – Puts the case attributes into a document.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=caseAttribute

  • Reports: Case attribute inquiry (CaseAttributeInquiry) – This report allows you to search for specific case attributes and will provide you with a list of names and cases where that attribute can be found. You can limit the report in many ways.
  • Custom Queries: Case attribute stats for a date range (caseattributes.jsp) – This query summarizes all case attributes added during the report period. It will show the cases used in this query if you select to show details.

Case status history

This area allows you to track the date of the progress of this case through the system, such as date the petition was filed, date adjudicated, date dismissed or closed, etc.

GVT: Case Status (CASESTATUS) – Allows you to add options for important dates that should be tracked as the case makes its way through the court process.

GVT: Case Status Reason (STATUSREASON) – Allows you to add options for specific reasons for a case status.

How can I pull a list of the case status dates inside a template so I can select the date?

  • Template Function: Select case status (FF SelCS) – This function lists all case statuses for each case tied to the document. You can select the status you wish to display. The case status is printed in various formats. SELCS/08 formats just the date.
  • Template Function: Case status (FF CaseStat) – Puts the case status dates and descriptions into a document.

Can I end all the names assigned to the case when I add a certain case status?

  • If a case status means “inactive” it will end all the names assigned to the case.

What if I need to keep the victim or victim advocate’s name assigned to the case if the case is closed but for restitution payments?

  • Add the rule parm: CloseCase.keepAssignmentOpenOnInactiveStatus.n=<CASE ASSIGNMENT ROLE>

How can I make it so the same case status never gets added twice?

  • FF Update: has onlyOnce as a property you can set.  If you set it to ‘Y’, then it won’t add it twice to the same case.

How can I tell how many children were adjudicated last year?

How do I get the case status to reflect the date of the file stamp rather than the date the document was finished?

  • Rules: Update Case Status (GAW090) – This is meant to act as a trigger to update the case status when a document is file stamped, approved, or finished, if specified.
  • Use this instead of the FF Update option.

I don’t want the case status to be added when I finish the document, I want it added when the Judge approves it.

  • Rules: Update Case Status (GAW090) – This is meant to act as a trigger to update the case status when a document is file stamped, approved, or finished, if specified.
  • Use this instead of the FF Update option.

Is there a way to pull cases that can be closed pursuant to Indiana Rule 41(E)?

  • Reports: Cases open beyond specified period – this can be configured so it will search for cases without a “disposed” case status, with no future hearing scheduled, that have had no documents added within a certain number of days. Great way to find those 41(e) cases.

Is there a way to see all the cases that haven’t been adjudicated or disposed yet?

  • Custom Queries: List cases with specified case status (currentcasestatus.jsp) – This report will provide a list of cases that currently have the specified case status. You can search for the case status of “open” or “filed” or whatever the case status is before you add some sort of disposition like adjudicated, informal adjustment, disposed, etc.
  • Custom Queries: Cause numbers generated for a date range – This report will provide a list of cases opened for a date range and will list the current status of each case. You can copy and paste the results into an excel spreadsheet and easily get your case count along with case names and numbers.

How can I find a list of all the cases that had a specific case status during a time period?

  • Custom Queries: List case statuses for a date range – This is a great way to see how many cases were opened during a time period. When a case is first added, the cases get a case status of “case filed” or “open”. So if you pull this query for “case filed” it will tell you how many new cases you had during a time period.

How can I find the average length of time a case is open?

  • Reports: Case status statistics (CaseStatusStats) – This report shows the average length of time between two case statuses.

Can I make the opening case status be different depending on case type?

Why yes you can.

  • Default Tables: Default case status when adding a case (CASESTATUSD) – Allows you to customize the default case status that will appear when a case type is created, such as Case Filed and also allows you to override that default for specific case types.

Is there a way to get a report that shows ALL open cases that are still open in QUEST?

  • Reports: Cases open beyond specified period – this can be configured so it will search for cases without a “disposed” case status, with no future hearing scheduled, that have had no documents added within a certain number of days.
  • Reports: Open cases with no future court events (CasesWithNoEvents) – This report will provide you with a list of cases where there is no future event scheduled. This is a great report to ensure old cases are getting closed and open cases aren’t falling through the cracks.

How can I automatically assign someone to the case when a specific case status is added?

  • Rules: Add user to case on status (GAW069) AddUserToCaseOnStatus.open.1=admin
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=caseStatus
  • Reports: Case status follow-up stats (CaseStatusFollowup) – This report allows you to choose a specific case status, such as adjudicated. It will then report how many cases had that case status before the reporting period, how many new cases came in during the period, how many were closed during the period, and how many cases had that case status at the end of the period. It will also report if the person has a new offense during or after the status was active.
  • Reports: Case status statistics (CaseStatusStats) – This report shows the average length of time between two case statuses. You can search a specific case type, Dependency & Neglect cases for example, and choose Filed or Open for the first case status and Closed or Wardship Terminated for the second case status and the report will tell you the average length of days between the two, broken down by race and sex.

  • Custom Queries: List case statuses for a date range (casestatus.jsp) – This report will provide a list of cases that had a specified case status added during a date range. It will list the case names, current case status, date of the specified case status, and case number.
  • Custom Queries: List cases with specified case status (currentcasestatus.jsp) – This report will provide a list of cases that currently have the specified case status. It will list the case names, case number, action column that allows you to add a document, and current balance due, if applicable.
  • Custom Queries: Dependency stats for a date range (dependencystats.jsp) – This query lists the length of time between filed and disposed for JC and JT cases that were filed during the reporting period. It will break down by month the number of cases filed, the number adjudicated within 60 days, disposed within 90 days and 180 days.

Case number

How do I automatically generate a cause number?

  • GVT: Case Type – if you want a cause number generated the second a case is added
  • GVT: State’s Decision – to generate a cause number when a specific decision is entered (like Informal adjustment, filed petition, etc.)  I think this is where a lot of them are created
  • When a charge is filed – a cause number will always be created
  • Manually from the cause number screen by clicking Generate button.
  • Default Tables: Type of cause number to generate (CAUSENBRTYPE) – Provides the options for the different ways you can automatically generate cause numbers based on court and case type.

In TN some counties use JV cause numbers for civil and JR cause numbers for criminal. How do I get the system to generate the next number based on that?

  • Rules: Tennessee.GenerateCause (GAW105) – Generates the cause number for a filed case if a number isn’t currently assigned. You can tell the system which case types get JV and which get JR.
  • Template Functions: Cause numbers (FF Cause) – Puts the case numbers or the petition numbers in a document.
  • Template Functions: Select cause numbers (FF SelCaus) – Allows the user to select a case number. That case number will then print in the document in various formats.
  • Custom Queries: Cause numbers generated for a date range (causenumbers.jsp) – This report provides a list of case numbers that were generated for a date range. The report can be for a specific case type and/or a specific court.


Every 10 days, Detention residents have to be re-educated on their PREA Rights. Is there a way to tell Quest to email the Detention managers, Detention staff and myself a reminder at day 8 of their stay?

You can use deadline rules to automatically add the deadline when a stay reason is added.

You can then Email people of deadlines coming due based on their “person type”, “Role”, or “Security Group”.

How can I automatically add a deadline? Menu | Tables | Deadline Rules:

When a case is added

When a case name is added

When a recommendation is added

When a State’s decision is added

When a requirement is added

When a requirement is completed

When an incident is added/updated

When a stay reason is updated/added

When an event is completed successfully

When an event name is added

When FF DeadLN is used in a document

Can I send an email to a specific person when a specific deadline is coming due?

  • Reports: Email people of deadlines coming due (DeadlinesEnding) – This report will send an email to specific people based on their “person type” of specific deadline types that are coming due. If you have a real problem with staff not getting their deadlines completed on time, you can also send the email to their supervisor or manager.
  • GVT: Deadline Types (DEADLINETYPE) – Allows you to define the different deadline types that will be used by your county.
  • Rules: GAW136 Send Email for Deadlines – Sends a message to all active case assignments from the same agency as the agency assigned to the deadline letting them know that a deadline was added, updated, or deleted.
  • Reports: Open deadlines (OpenDeadlines) – This report will provide a list of those cases that have a specific deadline type open. This can be run by agency, division, unit or for a specific user ID.
  • Reports: Open deadlines by Court (OpenDeadlinesByCourt) – This report will provide a list of those cases that have a specific deadline type open. You can specify a specific deadline type or all. You can specify a specific court and only those deadlines in that assigned/home court will be displayed.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addDeadline
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=completeDeadline


  • GVT Tables: Inactive reason for warrants (INACTIVEREASON) – Allows you to define the different reasons that a warrant would be inactive.
  • GVT Tables: Warrant type (WARRANTTYPE) – Allows you to define the different types of warrants used by your county.
  • Rules: GAW021 Warrant Notify – This rule is will send a Quest message to specified Identities when a Warrant is added/updated. The purpose is to notify certain parties like the Sheriff who must know when Warrants are issue, served, recalled, etc.
  • Template Functions: Select active warrants (FF Warrants) – Lists all active and/or inactive warrants for each case tied to the document and prints information about them.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addWarrant
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=endWarrant
  • Reports: Open warrants (OpenWarrants) – This report will list all open warrants. You can limit this list by warrants issued after a specific date, type of warrant, or court. It will display identifying information on the person, including address and phone numbers, the case number, charges, and next event.
  • Reports: Map open warrants (map-openwarrants) – This report will produce a map indicating where those people with an open warrant live. You can hover over the dots on the map to see who lives there along with links to their person detail, history, contact, and events.
  • Reports: Quash warrants (QuashWarrants) – This will produce a report that shows the open warrants that have exceeded the number of days you’ve indicated a warrant may remain active, and it will warn you of warrants that are getting close to that date. For those that have exceeded the number of days, this report will inactive them. If you have a warrant type that expires after 6 months for example, this is a very handy report to keep on top of those warrants about to expire. You may want to make it a scheduled job.
  • Reports: Warrants issued statistics (WarrantsIssued) – This report will list all the warrants that were issued or closed during a date range. It will produce a report that breaks down these statistics by warrant type, race, sex, age, case type and warrant status. It will provide the details on the people for whom a warrant was issued or closed.

Case related Incidents

How can I see how many referrals were made by the different agencies?

  • Custom Queries: Referrals by agency for a date range (casesbysource.jsp) – This query allows you to pull a list of incidents by referring agency or for a specific statute for a date range. It will list the name, age, race, sex, incident date, case date, school, charge, and current case status.
  • Reports: Monthly/year to date statistics – This report will provide you with more information that you will ever need! Referring agencies, age and race of referrals, times referred, charges, case status, how many open cases, statute dispositions, requirements, and document information.

How can I see a list of all kids arrested for a specific allegation?

Same report, Custom Queries: Referrals by agency for a date range. Not only can you see a list of all the referrals by a specific agency, but you can pull a list of everyone who was charged with a specific offense.

How can I make sure an incident is tied to a case?

On the GVT Tables: Incident type (INCIDENTTYPE), there is a field that asks if a case is required.

How can I stop users from adding the incident from the Person Detail screen?

  • Default Tables: Show Add Incident on person detail screen (SHOWADDINCIDENT) – Allows you to remove the Incidents ‘Add’ link from the Person Detail screen. If an incident is added off the Person Detail screen, the user may forget to click to which case it should be attached. If this causes problems, you can simply remove the add link.

Can I automatically add an incident?

I don’t want incidents to appear on the history screen.

  • GVT Tables: Incident attribute type (ATTRIBUTETYPEI) – Allows you to define the different attribute types for incidents.
  • GVT Tables: Incident type (INCIDENTTYPE) – Allows you to define the different types of incidents that take place in your county.
  • GVT Tables: Role in incident (OFFICERROLE) – Allows you to define the role of the officer or complaining party in an incident.
  • Default Tables: Cut off time for incident bulletin board (CUTOFFTIME) – This table allows you to set a default time to cut off appearing on the bulletin board. The bulletin board defaults to show every incident with a date/time from the cut off time yesterday to the cut off time today.
  • Template Functions: Select agency report number (FF SelPRpt) – This function lists incidents for each personID/caseID tied to the document. It allows the selection of a single incident, whose agency report number will be output.
  • Template Functions: Format action taken for detention incident & Format latest incident (FF Incd) & (FF IncdAuto) – Pulls specific information about incidents into the document, such as date/time of incident, incident ID number, and incident type. This function also allows you to update information about a detention incident.
  • Template Functions: Format agency report number (FF PolRpt) – Displays the incident ID number in a document.
  • Template Functions: Formats the referring agency (FF RefAgy) – Formats the long description of the referring agency from the first incident for the case selected.
  • Template Functions: Format incident charges (FF ArrChgs) – This function is used to automatically include information from either the NEWEST incident or all incidents. This prints such things as the incident date and time, referral type and agency, incident ID number, and incident statutes. This prints in various formats.
  • Template Functions: Select incident charges (FF ArChgsL) – This function is used to list the incident charges for all cases tied to the document. The user can select the incident statutes desired. The function produces this information in various formats in the document.
  • Reports: Incident Statistics by Attributes (IncidentAttributeStats) – The report lists the types of incidents during the time period and reports the number of each attribute of those incidents, broken down by incident type.
  • Custom Queries: Referrals by agency for a date range (casesbysource.jsp) – This query allows you to pull a list of incidents by referring agency or for a specific statute for a date range. It will list the name, age, race, sex, incident date, case date, school, charge, and current case status.
  • Rules: GAW023 Incident to Docket Entry – Ensure a docket entry is made for any incident added or updated that is tied to a case. (specific county hard coded)

Filed Statutes

I don’t want my filed statutes to say “If committed by an adult”. How do I turn that off?

Can I automatically notify the school if the child is charged with a Felony offense?

  • Yes!! Here are instructions for Indiana. Here are instructions for Tennessee.
  • GVT Tables: Sort level for statutes (SORTLEVEL) – Allows you to sort statutes by a level.
  • GVT Tables: Statute severity (SEVERITY) – Allows you identify the severity of a statute, such as Felony, Misdemeanor, Civil, Status, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Statute severity class (SEVERITYCLASS) – Allows you identify the severity of a statute, such as Felony, Misdemeanor, Civil, Status, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Statute severity subclass (SUBCLASS) – Allows you to sort the statute classes even further.
  • GVT Tables: Statute classification (SCLASSIFICATION) – Allows you to define the different types of classifications your statutes could fall under, such as gang related offense, crime against the elderly, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Plea (PLEA) – Allows you to define the different types of pleas a person can enter. You can program if this type of plea counts as guilty or not.
  • GVT Tables: Statute disposition (SDISPOSITION) – Allows you to define the different types of dispositions for the filed statutes, such as Adjudicated, Dismissed, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Conspiracy/attempt designator (CONSPIREATTEMPT) – Allows you to define the difference charge enhancements, such as attempted, conspiracy to commit, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Item type for a statute (ITEMTYPE) – Allows you to define the different types of amounts for a statute, such as unexcused absences for truancy days, or miles per hour for speeding limits.
  • GVT Tables: Units of measure (UNITOFMEASURE) – Allows you to define different units of measure such as days, weeks, ounces, grams, etc. These can be used with incident statutes and filed statutes.
  • Rules: GAW026 Update Filed Date – This is meant to act as a trigger to update the filed date of the latest filed statutes with the date of the current case status record. It will only do it when case status is changed to petition filed or modification filed. (specific county hard coded)
  • Template Functions: Automatically selects first petition (FF Petns) – Allows you to select a petition and then process information about that specific petition.
  • Template Functions: Format N-A variables with charges (FF PtnChg) – This function pulls the charging templates into the current document.
  • Template Functions: Format charge count for petitions (FF Chg Cnt) – This function formats the count number on a delinquency petition.
  • Template Functions: Format charge for petitions (FF Chg Dsc) – This function formats the description as well as the level and severity of a statute on a delinquency petition
  • Template Functions: Format state code for petitions (FF Chg Sta) – This function formats the state code from the statutes table of a statute for display on a petition.
  • Template Functions: Format filed charges (FF FilChgs) – This function is used to automatically include guilty or all filed statute information from each case attached to the document. These statutes can be formatted various ways.
  • Template Functions: Select filed charges (FF Chg Sel) – This function is used to list the filed statute charges for all cases tied to the document. You can then select the charges you want, and they will be printed in the document in various formats.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addFiledStatute
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=updateFiledStatutePlea
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=updateFiledStatuteDisposition
  • Reports: Court Case Counts by Statute (CourtChargeFilings) – This report will list the filed statutes filed during the time period and report how many of each were filed broken down by court.
  • Reports: Court Case Counts by Statute Disposition (CourtChargeDispositions) – This report will list all the filed statutes filed during the time period and show how many were filed and what their disposition was, broken down by court.
  • Reports: Administrative Sanctions/Violations Process Report (SanctionsViolations) – This report will list the number of specific contact types and filed statutes that were completed during the time period for each user in the specific agency, division, unit or for a specific person.


How do I notify users that they have a requirement end date coming due soon?

Notify users of requirements ending (RequirementsEnding) – This report will send a Quest Message to specific or all names assigned to the case notifying them that a requirement is about to reach its scheduled end date.

How can I automatically add a fee requirement when I add a Requirement?

In the Requirement Code Details screen, in the Notes: auto.1=type/code

This will automatically add the requirement type/code for the fee associated with that requirement.

Also, add Rule GAW137 Add Scheduled End to Requirement – This is meant to automatically place a scheduled end date on all defined ‘auto’ add requirements that are still open when the primary requirement is ended. The scheduled end date will match the status date of the primary requirement.

See Set Up Electronic Monitoring for complete instructions on how this process works.

How do I get that fee to be assessed daily?

Reports: Automatic assessment of periodic fees (AutoAssessment) – This report will automatically assess the periodic fees. You can program the report to stop calculating fees as of the scheduled end date and start calculating on the requirement start date, if desired.

How do I get the fees to STOP automatically assessing?

Add a scheduled end date to the fee and make sure the report stops calculating as of the scheduled end date.

Reports: Automatic assessment of periodic fees (AutoAssessment)

Can I automatically add a contact note when a requirement is completed?

GAW109 Add Contact for Requirements – This will add a contact note for a requirement related object.

Can I automatically add a Name Assigned to the case when I add a certain Requirement?

Rules: Add User to case on requirement (GAW064)

Can I automatically notify someone when a specific requirement is added?

  • Rules: GAW058 Send Email on Requirement – Sends an email to the desired parties about Requirements being added or updated.

How do I set up phases?

In the Requirement notes, add extended=y

  • Default Tables: Requirement phase code default values (REQPHASES) – This is documentation for what options can be added in the notes of a requirement phase code.

  • Tables | Requirement Phase Items
  • GVT Tables: Requirement phase status (REQPHASESTATUS) – Allows you to define the different status options for the requirement phases. The status can be coded to indicate if they are considered still open and if they are considered successful.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement sanctions (REQSANCTION) – Allows you to define the different types of sanctions and incentives used by your program.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement sanction reasons (REQSANCTIONRSN) – Allows you to define the different types of reasons behind the different sanctions and incentives used by your program.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement treatment (REQTREATMENT) – Allows you to define the different types of treatments used by your program.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement treatment progress (REQTREATMENTPRG) – Allows you to define the different types of treatment progress steps used by your program.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement treatment status (REQTREATMENTSTA) – Allows you to define the different types of treatment status options used by your program. The status will determine if the treatment is still considered open or closed and if the status is considered successfully completed.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement phase type of hours completed (REQTYPEOFHOURS) – Allows you to define the different types of hours for the requirement phases. You can identify how many hours of substance abuse treatment the person had in phase 1 for example.

How do I set up Sentencing Information for Charge?

See Setting up Sentencing Information for complete instructions.

  • GVT Tables: Requirement component term unit of measure (TERMUNIT) – Allows you to define the different types of units of measurement for the requirement component terms, such as days, years, life, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement component type (COMPONENTTYPE) – Allows you to define the different types of requirement components, such as sentenced, executed, jail credit, suspended, probation, etc.
  • Default Tables: Assign statutes to requirements? (REQSTATUTES) – If you have adults in your Quest, you may want to configure this so you can add sentencing information for each count.
  • Template Functions: Auto Requirements (FF Require-A) – If you use FF REQURE-A/32, it will format the sentence in the petition.
    • 53C03-1212-FD-000564 Count 1 – 2/2/2018 Sentencing – Sentenced – 8 years; Executed – 5 years; Jail Credit – 365 days; Suspended – 5 years; Probation – 5 yearsServed concurrent to Sentencing on 53C03-1212-FD-000565 Count 2.53C03-1212-FD-000564 Count 2 – 2/2/2018 Sentencing – Sentenced – 2 years; Executed – 1 years; Jail Credit – 365 days; Suspended – 1 years; Probation – 5 years

      Served concurrent to Sentencing on 53C03-1212-FD-000564 Count 1.

  • Default Tables: Requirement code default values (REQUIREMENTS) – This is the documentation for what defaults can be added in the notes field of a requirement code.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement status (REQUIRESTATUS) – Allows you to define different status options for your requirements. The options can mean the requirement is closed or open, successful or not. Can be for specific requirement types/codes and allows you to specify what the phase status and treatment status should initially be set to if this requirement status is used.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement attribute type (ATTRIBUTETYPER) – Allows you to define the different attributes you can assign to requirements. Attributes can be used for statistics. For example, if you have a child on system generated random drug testing and anyone with that requirement with an attribute of blue gets randomly selected every 3 weeks for a drug test.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement alert type (ALERTTYPE) – Allows you to create different types of Requirement Alerts. This can be used for financial holds, for electronic monitoring equipment, or for any other type of requirement.
  • GVT Tables: Requirement alert finding (ALERTFINDING) – Allows you to add options so you can close a requirement alert.
  • Default Tables: Default Unit Of Measure entry for requirements (UNITOFMEASURE) –
  • Default Tables: Requirement type for commitments (COMMREQUIRETYPE) – Allows you to specify which requirement type means a commitment requirement. This is used in various reports.
  • Default Tables: Requirement type for probation (PROBREQUIRETYPE) – Allows you to specify which requirement type means a probation requirement. This is used in various reports.
  • Default Tables: Show petition number requirement statutes? (REQPETITIONNBR) – Allows you to append the petition number to the statute description, if you have counts associated, like sentencing.
  • Rules: GAW108 Send Message for Requirements – Sends a Quest message to all active case assignments (who are Quest users) for the names tied to the underlying requirement letting them know about this particular item. It also allows you to specify additional people to receive notification.
  • Rules: GAW070 Add Attribute on Requirement – Assigns a person attribute and/or requirement attribute whenever a requirement of a specified type or type/code is added.
  • Rules: GAW148 Add Req Attribute By User – Adds a requirement attribute whenever one of the following conditions is met: 1) A specific user is added to the case if the case already has the specific requirement or 2) A specific requirement is added to the case if the case already has a specific user
  • Rules: GAW079 Ensure Requirement Exists – This is meant to limit insertion of data into a case until a specific requirement type/code has been added for that case.
  • Rules: GAW084 Stop Requirement Overlap – Prevents 2 requirements from overlapping each other (except on start/end date).
  • Rules: GAW139 Track SI Inventory -This rule keeps the sanctions/incentives inventory field up to date.
  • Template Functions: Select Requirements (FF Require) – Lists all requirements for each person tied to the document. You select the requirements you wish to print and they print in various formats.
  • Template Functions: Auto Requirements (FF Require-A) – Lists all requirements or only financial requirements for each person tied to the document. You select the requirements you wish to print and they print in various formats.
  • Template Functions: FF Update: command=addRequirement
  • Template Functions: FF Update: command=addTransaction
  • Template Functions: FF Update: command=updateRequirement
  • Template Functions: FF Update: command=requirementAttribute
  • Template Functions: FF Update: command=requirementSanction
  • Template Functions: FF Update: command=addRequirementLocation
  • Reports: 1006 Requirements reporting (Requirements1006) – This is a community corrections report. It will search for specific requirements then report demographic information on the individual, such as name, dob, ssn. It also reports the most serious offense the individual was charged with, the specific requirement name, start date, end date and type of completion. It also provides the employment status of that person on the last day of the requirement period.
  • Reports: Alcohol and Drug Program Data Report (ADProgramDataReport) – This report will search for specific requirements, it will then report information such as race, gender, age, charges, income, education, employment, types of programs referred to, disposition of the requirement, and risk levels based on risk assessments.
  • Reports: Assigned requirement list (AssignedRequirements) – This report will provide a list of people with a specific requirement that have a name assigned to the case from the agency selected. It will show the person’s name and file number, requirement, requirement start date, how long it has been open, the scheduled end date, the next court date and the name of the person assigned to the case from the selected agency.
  • Reports: Current location associated with requirements (RequirementLocationsRpt) – This report will provide a list of all the people with a specific requirement and the address of that person. For example, children in foster care have a placement requirement. You can add the specific address and contact information of the foster parents in that requirement location. You can then pull this report and it will give you the exact address of every child in foster care. This would be a great report to have in the event of a disaster.
  • Reports: Notify users of requirements ending (RequirementsEnding) – This report will send a Quest Message to specific or all names assigned to the case notifying them that a requirement is about to reach its scheduled end date.
  • Reports: Open requirements (OpenRequirements) – This report provides a list of the names and identifying information for all people with an open requirement specified. It also lists the names of the people assigned to the case.
  • Reports: Open requirements by school (OpenRequirementsBySchool) – This report provides the same list of names as open requirements, but this report breaks them down by the name of the school they are currently attending. If the child is not currently attending a school, the report will provide a list of these children as well.
  • Reports: Title IV-E (TitleIVE) – This program produces a report of all DCS requirements for a person, unit, division or agency. It shows the date of the last DCSIVE document for each and calculates the date the next DOCIVE is due.
  • Reports: Program disposition report (ProgramDisposition) – This report will produce a list of everyone who has or had a particular requirement. It will then display columns with the severity and put each case in the appropriate column based on the worst offense. It will show if the person successfully completed the requirement or failed to do so, and if so why they failed. It will look at the requirement status and at other requirements added to the case after this requirement was added.
  • Reports: Program monitoring report (Daily Counts) (ProgramMonitoringDaily) – This report will look for specific requirements to determine the number of “active clients” in the program and will calculate the number of vacancies in the program. This is an excellent report if you have a program that only has a certain number of spots available.
  • Reports: Requirement completion report (RequireCompletions) – This report will list all the requirement types you select that closed during a specific time period and let you know how what percentage of each type were completed successfully. It will also break it down by a specific assigned role.
  • Reports: Requirement referral report (RequirementReferrals) – This report will search for the specific requirement requested and report the numbers for the specific time period plus since inception. It will report referring agency, sex, age, race, zip code and ethnicity of participant. It will report case attributes, crime types, as well as provide the number of requirements and the different requirement statuses during the period.
  • Reports: Requirement sanctions/incentives statistics (SanctionIncentiveStats) – This will search for a specific requirement and report the number of each possible sanction and incentive used during the requested time period.
  • Reports: Requirement statistical report (RequirementStatistical) – This report will provide information on specific requirements that were opened or closed during a time period. It will break down the report by race, sex, and age of the participants. It will report schools attended, drug screen, requirement status, and recidivism numbers.
  • Reports: Requirements by worker (RequirementsByWorker) – You can select a requirement and a date range and this report will provide a list by worker of the number of cases they have with that requirement.
  • Reports: Informal Adjustment/Diversion Statistics (InformalDiversionStats) – This report will tell you how many people and cases of a specific case type were referred to the court during a time period. It will also report how many informal and/or diversion requirements were started during the time period. It breaks it down by assigned/home court and case type.
  • Reports: Problem Solving Performance Measures (ProblemSolvingPerformance) – This report will search for a specific requirement, such as drug court, and then provide information about those participants. It will report such things as demographics, abstinence and use, employment and education, and program success and failure rates.
  • Reports: Law Enforcement Report (LawEnforcement) – This report will provide a list of information on those people who either match a specific requirement, such as all the kids on probation or home detention, and/or people who have a warrant. This can be separated by city. This is a great report to send to the county sheriff and/or the city police departments to let them know about the people in their area.
  • Reports: Next events for requirements (NextEventByRequirement) – This report will list cases with a specific requirement type or code and tell you the next event on the case. For example, you can specify a certain requirement, such as “DCS Commitment” or a “DCS Placement” to limit the report those children who have been removed from the home. Then you can pull this report to ensure these cases have a future event scheduled.
  • Custom Queries: Open probations by scheduled end date (probationsending.jsp) – This query will list the selected probation requirement that have a scheduled end date by the specified date. It will list the requirement assigned date, name/case, scheduled end date, requirement status, and probation officer.

Custom Queries: Requirements by race and sex (requirementsbyracesex.jsp) – This query provides the totals by race and sex for all the individuals who participated in the requirement type and code specified for report date range.


How can I prioritize which fee gets paid first?

In the Menu | Tables | Requirements, select the fee requirement section. In the Details of each fee requirement, you can add a sortLevel= and number which should be paid first. If there are multiple accounts inside one requirement, for example court costs, you can code those accounts inside the Liability account in the chart of accounts.

How can I get a fee requirement to automatically add when another requirement is added?

  • GVT Tables: Transaction types (TRANSACTIONTYPE) – This is for G&W use only.
  • GVT Tables: Transaction payment types (PAYMENTMETHOD) – Allows you to define the different types of payment methods you will accept, such as cash, check, credit card, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Receipt jsp forms for requirement types and codes (RECEIPTREQ) – This is used by G&W, don’t mess with it.
  • GVT Tables: Account Grouping (AccountGrouping) – These entries are used in the chart of accounts to separate the accounts into specific groups, so the Clerk can see their accounts and Probation can see their accounts without mixing the two.
  • Default Tables: /receipt.jsp (RECEIPTDEFAULT) – This is for G&W use only.
  • Default Tables: Receipt properties/data (RECEIPTPROP) – This is where you can customize receipts.
  • Default Tables: Generate receipt numbers (RECEIPTNUMBER) – This is where you can configure if payments should produce a receipt.
  • Default Tables: Default Account options (ACCOUNTOPTIONS) – This table provides all the options that are available to you when formatting a check.
  • Default Tables: Limit Take Payment Screen to single case (LIMITPAYTOCASE) – Allows you to limit the Take a Payment screen to only show fees due in a specific case rather than all cases.
  • Default Tables: Requirement code default values (REQUIREMENTS) – This is the documentation for what defaults can be added in the notes field of a requirement code.
  • Default Tables: Time when payments count for next day (FINANCIALCUTOFF) – Allows you to set a financial cut off time so any payments received on or after this time count towards the next business day. Used in many financial reports.
  • Default Tables: Use liability instead of inc/exp when reconciling (LIABILITYTOCLR) – When reconciling the bank account, when adding interest income or bank charges, you can display either liability accounts or income/expense accounts.
  • Default Tables: MM/DD that new fiscal year begins (FISCALYEAR) – Allows you to specify the month and day that the new fiscal year begins for your jurisdiction.
  • Default Tables: FF FEE – Allows you to set specific fee amounts to be used in templates with the form function FF Fee. There are various fees that can be set up this way. This may be obsolete with the new financials.
  • Rules: GAW004 Generate Transaction Nbr – This is the default generator for financial transaction numbers.
  • Rules: GAW102 Update Requirement on Paid – Updates the associated Requirement when a transaction results in the requirement being fully paid or waived.
  • Rules: GAW103 Transaction Edits – This allows the user to configure rules for the financial transactions, such as allow future dates, allow back dates, allow negative amounts , payment method required, payor required, etc.
  • Rules: GAW095 Notify Collection on Payment – This rule will send an email to a collections agency when payment transactions are entered, notifying them of payments received.
  • Rules: GAW098 Indiana Assess 25 of Open – Automatically assesses a given percentage (defaults to 25%) of all outstanding balances for a person when the specified requirement type/code is added.
  • Rules: GAW120 Substance Report to Transaction – Adds a transaction to an existing open requirement every time a substance report is added.
  • Rules: GAW147 Update Payment Plan – This rule keeps the payment plan requirement in sync with payments made. It matches on the person making the payment matching the default payee of the payment plan requirement on a case being paid.
  • Template Functions: Auto Requirements (FF Require-A) – Lists all requirements or only financial requirements for each person tied to the document. You select the requirements you wish to print and they print in various formats.
  • Template Functions: Select open balance requirements (FF Jdgmnt) – This function lists all open balance requirements for the first person/case or each person/case tied to the document and the user can select the requirements they wish to appear in the document.
  • Template Functions: Formats fees (FF Fee) – This function lets you use the default fee tables to set up fee amounts for specific fees then put that amount into a document.
  • Reports: Create judgment book (CreateJudgmentBook) – This report searches for new Judgments added to the system and put them into the Judgment Book.
  • Reports: Judgment Book & Index (Judgment Index) – This report will provide a list of the Judgments entered during a time period. It can include only open judgments or all judgments.
  • Reports: Judgment 1099 List – This report will produce a list of people who have received payments on Judgments. It will the total amount each person has received, it will list their name, address, SSN or EIN, and the total amount paid to them.
  • Reports: Auditor Collections Report This report lists the amount disbursed to the county. It breaks it down by the different funds with their fund number.
  • Reports: Automatic assessment of periodic fees (AutoAssessment) – This report will automatically assess the periodic fees. You can program the report to stop calculating fees as of the scheduled end date and start calculating on the requirement start date, if desired.
  • Reports: Check & Receipt Register (CheckReceiptRegister) – This report runs either the check register or the receipt register. It simply lists all the checks or all the receipts issued during the time period.
  • Reports: Court Clerk Reimbursement Invoice (StatuteFeesForPeriod) – This report will produce an invoice to the State of Tennessee for reimbursement of clerk fees for specific documents filed by the Title IV-D Division.
  • Reports: Daily Collections & Report of Collections (CollectionsByRequirement) – This report produces a list of collections by requirement. If you include details it is called the Daily Collections report. If you do not include details it is called the Report of Collections. Both reports simply report the receipts. They do not report transfers between funds.
  • Reports: Reconciliation Report (ReconciliationReport) – The reconciliation report will provide a report of your bank reconciliation. It will list the cleared and outstanding checks as well as the cleared and outstanding deposits and a calculated bank balance.
  • Reports: Disbursement Report (DisbursementReport) – This report will list the money disbursed by liability account during the time period. The report will list the amount by account and will also display the check information. If fund numbers are set up in the liability accounts this report will print those as well.
  • Reports: Docket ledger (DocketLedger) – This report will show all accounts where money is being held.
  • Reports: Financial Report (FinancialReport) – This report will provide the beginning balances, receipts, disbursements, and ending balances for the time period. It will also report any transfers and adjustments made.
  • Reports: General Ledger (GeneralLedger ) – This report lists all the transactions in each account. You can show all the transactions or just the balances.
  • Reports: Investment Details (InvestmentDetail) – This report provides information on the investments being held. It will report the name and address of the requirement name, file number, case number, dob, requirement code, provider, and notes. The requirement start date, beginning balance, debits and credits made during the time period, ending balance and the requirement end date.
  • Reports: Print billing statements (CreateBillingStatements) – This report will produce a billing statement for open fee requirements. It will also schedule an event if you choose to do so.
    • Make sure you use an FF FEES/06 or some other fees function that has the “formats GAWParms Requirements” otherwise all open fees will be printed regardless of whether you have programmed the report to skip certain requirement status options.
  • Reports: Trial Balance (TrialBalance) – This report will show the balances on the asset and liability accounts. These should equal. It is a great way to ensure you are in balance.
  • Reports: Requirement costs (RequirementCosts) – This report will list all monetary requirement codes. It will report the assessment transaction amounts and the default amounts set up in the notes. This is a great report to run when there are fee increases.
  • Reports: Transaction Journal (TransactionJournal) – This report will list every transaction that matches the selected transaction type. You can run by transaction date or date added. You can run every transaction or only specific types of transactions, such as adjustments or voided transactions.
  • Reports: Void uncashed checks (VoidCheck) – This report will find and automatically void any check that has not cleared the bank within a certain number of days. Many checks will have the words “Void after 60 days” or something similar on them. This is a way to void those checks that are past that number of days. Keep in mind, the bank often cashes these checks after that day.
  • Custom Queries: Fee Requirements with outstanding balance (openbalance.jsp) – This report provides a list of specific fee requirements that have an outstanding balance, like Restitution for example. It will list the date assigned, Name/case, Default Payee, and the current balance.
  • Custom Queries: Fee Requirements with outstanding balance as of date (asofopenbalance.jsp) – This report provides a list of specific fee requirements that have an outstanding balance as of a specific date. So, if you need to know the balance of restitution owed as of the end of the year, you could run this report. It will list the date assigned, Name/case, Default Payee, and the current balance.
  • Custom Queries: Account register (register.jsp) – This report provides a list of transactions from a specific account register. It provides the same transactions as the Chart of Account registers, but with less details and it can be narrowed to only certain types of transactions.
  • Custom Queries: Collection Performance (collectionperformance.jsp) – This report provides collection information on cases that were closed during the report period. It lists the total amount of each requirement code, such as Restitution, in every account during the report range.

Codefendants/Associated Cases

GVT Tables:

Default Tables:

  • Link Type for codefendant (LINKTYPE) – Allows you to specify which entry in the table LinkType means codefendant. Then, when adding an incident, if the agency/report numbers match, we can automatically tie the people together as codefendants.

Template Functions:


How does the batch subpoena process work?

PO’s are no longer getting notification when hearings are set.

For the person assigned to the case to receive notice when a hearing is set, the person type must be set to receive messages

Probation Officer

Assigned role: prob

Get messages?: y

Rules: Send Message or Send Email depending on if they wish to receive messages via Quest or Email.

How can I see how many hearings a judge had for a specific time period?

  • Reports: Court Events Over a Period – it will tell you how many hearings were held by a specific court.
  • Query: List event appearances for User (eventappearancesbyuserid.jsp) – This query reports how many times a specific person (user ID) has appeared at an event during the report date range. It will display the courtroom, court, case type and the number of appearances for each of those.

How can I see how many trials for example a court heard for a specific time period?

  • Reports: Event audit (EventAudit) – This report will allow you to specify a specific event type, it will then show a list of all those matching events for the time period.

How can I tell if I’ve done orders for every hearing?

  • Reports: Court Events Over a Period – This report will list all completed events for a specific court during a time period. It will list the event date, court, event type, event disposition, name, file number, and cause number. It will also list the name and date of any document tied to the event AFTER the event date. This only works if you tie orders to events either by typing the order on the event detail screen or by asking the question inside the order.

Can the Quest docket sync with a personal calendar?

  • Rules: Send Email for Events (GAW082)- This will send an email notifying all case assignments tied to the event of the event, along with a calendar invite attachment. You can specify what type of person gets these email messages.

How can I notify a facilitator for example that we just scheduled a facilitation event?

  • Rules: Send Email for Events (GAW082) – You can configure this rule to send a specific type of event to specific email addresses.

How can I see the future hearings an attorney has scheduled?

  • Menu | Court | Case Person Schedule. You can click the Lookup button to get the attorney name, put in a date range, and it will show all cases with scheduled events where that attorney’s name is assigned to the case. Works for any name that is assigned to the case. You could do it for Victims instead.

How can I see a list of events that have not been disposed?

  • Reports: Event audit (EventAudit) – This report will list every event, court and/or non-court events, completed and/or incomplete only scheduled for the date range. It will list the event names in alphabetical order and report that persons dob, case number, type and date of the event, event disposition and the name assigned to the case that matches the “attorney role” defined. This is a great way to ensure all events get disposed.

How can I dispose of all the past events that are still showing open?

  • Reports: Complete open events (CompleteEvents) – This report will allow you to select a date, and any open event that matches the report settings will be closed or “disposed”. It will only close one day at a time, if you want to close ALL past events, contact G&W.

How can I see a list of all the events scheduled during a time frame?

  • Reports: Event audit (EventAudit) – This report will list every event, court and/or non-court events, completed and/or incomplete only scheduled for the date range. It will list the event names in alphabetical order and report that person’s dob, case number, type and date of the event, event disposition and the name assigned to the case that matches the “attorney role” defined. This is a great way to ensure all events get disposed.

I’m getting an error message “You are not authorized to update/delete the event. You did not create it”

You have the rule SecureUserEvent in place. If there’s no court involved, and you’re not a *all person, you can’t do it. Delete the Rule if not needed.

Can I send text reminders to participants to remind them of hearings?

Yes!! Set up Twilio!! What is Twilio?

Can I add a requirement transaction when an event is completed successfully?

Not right now. You can automatically add a substance report from an event, and the substance report being added can add a drug test fee transaction. See Substance Reports section

Can I have certain event attributes appear on only delinquency event types for example?

Yes! You can set up case type grouping (criminal, family/civil, child support) then add that grouping to the event attribute. If it doesn’t have a specific event filter or grouping, it will appear on all events.

  • GVT Tables: Event attribute type (EATTRIBUTETYPE) – Allows you to set up attributes for court and/or non-court events.
  • GVT Tables: Event disposition (EVENTDISP) – Allows you to add options for how an event was disposed, for example was it rescheduled, cancelled, held, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Event type (EVENTTYPE) – Allows you to set up different types of appointments or hearings.
  • Default Tables: Default template name used for subpoenas/notices (SUBPOENADOC) – Allows you to specify the name of the template that should be used for batch processing subpoena/notices.
  • Default Tables: EventDisp to use when cancelling future events (EVENTDISP) -Allows you to specify the event disposition that should be used when you add a closed case status with events still open.
  • Default Tables: Event defaults (EVENTS) – Allows you to set normal business hours so if an event is scheduled outside those hours, such as 8:00 pm rather than 8:00 am, an error message will be displayed.
  • Default Tables: Name of subpoena template for rescheduled events (RESCHEDULEDOC) – When you use the Reschedule Court Docket screen to send out new subpoenas to the people who had previously received a subpoena, this table specifies the name of the template for the rescheduled subpoena this program should produce.
  • Default Tables: Name of template for rescheduled events (RESCHEDULEDOC2) – Allows you to name a template that should be sent to the parties when an event is rescheduled, and notice is selected.
  • Default Tables: Number of days prior to event to print subpoena (NOTICELEADTIME) – Allows you to specify the number of days prior to a scheduled event the requested subpoenas/notices should print.
  • Default Tables: Use the defaultFrom as organizer on cal invites (USEDEFAULTFROM) – Allows you to send calendar invites using the system default from address rather than your email address. If you use the default from address (Y), you can add it to your own outlook calendar. Outlook won’t let you add an event to your own calendar when you are the organizer.
  • Default Tables: Default service type for event appearances (SERVICETYPE) – It’s the default service type for notifying people about events.
  • Rules: GAW078 Secure User Event – This is meant to limit access to changing/deleting a non-court event to the person who created it.
  • Rules: GAW135 Secure Event Overload – This is a security rule designed to limit a user or group to specific court(s) if they are authorized to overload hearings.
  • Rules: GAW116 Send Message for Events – This will send a Quest message notifying all case assignments tied to the event of the event.
  • Rules: GAW093 Event to Contact – Creates a contact when an event is completed. Copies the event note to the contact note.
  • Rules: GAW117 Event to Substance Report – Creates a substance report when an event is completed ‘successfully’. You also have the option as to whether you want to do this for court events.
  • Rules: GAW114 Event Appearance Set Document – Overrides the document to create for the event appearance based on the configuration settings for this rule.
  • Rules: GAW123 Validate First Case Attribute – Validates that, if an event is flagged with a ‘first case of the day’ attribute, it is the only event for that court with the attribute and, none of the case assignments are already associated with another ‘first case’ in another court that day.
  • Rules: GAW125 Copy Case Notes – This is meant to automatically copy notes from one case to another. It will only do it for notes added/updated within an event.
  • Rules: GAW151 Update Event for Requirements – Updates an existing event with a completion code and note of why completed for all people tied to a requirement related object.
  • Template Functions: Current event/hearing (FF CurHrg) – Puts the current event date, time, court, event type into a document with various formats to choose from.
  • Template Functions: Format event/hearing (FF Hearing) – This function formats hearing dates and times as well as ties a document to an event. You can select from future events, current events, the last event, all events, court only events, with the court, without the court, etc.
  • Template Functions: Formats the last hearing (FF LastHrg) – This function is used to automatically format the last completed hearing. It produces the information about the last hearing in in various formats.
  • Template Functions: Sel appear (from agency) (FF AgyAppr) – Lists all people from the agency specified in the Defaults table for entry FF AgyAppr.
  • Template Functions: Sel assign/relative/doc (FF AgyCasP) – Lists all case assignments for each personID/caseID tied to the document. If no caseID is specified, then case assignments for all the cases for the personID will be listed.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=eventAttribute
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=updateEvent
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addEvent
  • Reports: Agency Trial Result Report (AgencyTrialResult) – This was created for the public defender’s office. It tells how many “trials” were held and how many of them were guilty findings.
  • Reports: Open cases with no future court events (CasesWithNoEvents) – This report will provide you with a list of cases where there is no future event scheduled. This is a great report to ensure old cases are getting closed and open cases aren’t falling through the cracks.
  • Reports: Complete open events (CompleteEvents) – This report will allow you to select a date, and any open event that matches the report settings will be closed or “disposed”. This is a great way to ensure you don’t have old events sitting out there.
  • Reports: Court Events Over a Period (CourtEvents) – This report will list all completed events for a specific court during a time period. It will list the event date, court, event type, event disposition, name, file number, and cause number. It will also list the name and date of any document tied to the event AFTER the event date. This is useful if you want to count how many hearings were held in a specific court and if you want to see how timely court orders are being prepared on these events.
  • Reports: Create Events for Requirements (CreateEventsForRequirements) – This report will automatically schedule events based on specific types of requirements. For example, if you add a requirement of “drug testing” you may want Quest to randomly select people with that requirement to come in for testing. This report will randomly pick the person and schedule an event for them to appear.
  • Reports: Daily events (DailyEvents) – This report will list all events scheduled for a specific date. You can include court and/or non-court events, disposed events, and person “at risk” attributes.
  • Reports: Event attribute inquiry (EventAttributeInquiry) – This report looks at the different event attributes and produces a report that tell you how many times this attribute was used and in which case. It can be narrowed by specific event types, event dates, or even by agency, division, unit, or user id.
  • Reports: Next events (NextEvents) – This report will show the next selected event on cases. It will list the probation status, on probation or not, the supervision level and the date of the future event. This is a great report to ensure cases with a specific supervision level have their next “office visit” scheduled for example.
  • Reports: Next events for requirements (NextEventByRequirement) – This report will list cases with a specific requirement type or code and tell you the next event on the case. For example, you can specify a certain requirement, such as “DCS Commitment” or a “DCS Placement” to limit the report those children who have been removed from the home. Then you can pull this report to ensure these cases have a future event scheduled.
  • Reports: Voice Notification of Events (VoiceNotifyEvents) – This report is the interface between Twillio and Quest. Running this report causes voice calls and/or text messages to be sent to notify people about upcoming events.
  • Reports: FTA court events statistics (FTAEvents) – The report lists the number of events that were scheduled during the time period and the number of those events that had an event disposition that means failed to appear. It will list this by age, case type, race, and sex of the event names. It will provide it for all courts as a total, then break it down by the different courts.
  • Custom Queries: List events for a date range (futureevents.jsp) – This query will list all the cases that have a specific type of event scheduled during the report date range. It will display past and future events. Great way to pull upcoming trials.
  • Custom Queries: List event appearances for User (eventappearancesbyuserid.jsp) – This query reports how many times a specific person (user ID) has appeared at an event during the report date range. It will display the courtroom, court, case type and the number of appearances for each of those.
  • Custom Queries: List last assigned PO (latestpo.jsp) – This query lists an event date and reports the last Probation Officer assigned to the cases as of that date. You can narrow the list by a specific court. This may be helpful for probation to see which officers have hearings that day.

Folder Locations

User Manual: Folder Locations

  • GVT Tables: Folder type (FOLDERTYPE) – Allows you to define the different types of files or folders used in your county, such as Legal File, Probation File, Social File, Clerk’s File, etc. The system then allows you to track the location of those files.
  • Reports: Folders to pull for court (FoldersToPull) – The report will list the folders needed for a specific court on a specific date. It will sort in either file number or case number. If you chose to update the file location the report will add a folder location detail in the case detail screen to indicate that this file has been pulled for court.

Case Notes

User Manual: Case Notes & Case Notes Made

You can secure the case notes by agency in the Authority table. GVT: Agencies (AGENCY)

How can I share case notes between two agencies?

Make sure the two agencies who wish to share both have “Secure Notes=Y” on their Agency table. Then in the Authority Table, in the Main Authority entries, in the contains: area type CaseNotes and click SUBMIT.

Any agency that has Secure Notes=Y will appear as an option so you can give each security group the ability to view this agency’s case notes. Make sure you unclick “All agencies” or the specific individual agency has no effect.

Case Notes will default to your agency.

If you have authority to view another agency’s case notes, click on the blue link Case notes to see all agency case notes.

Change the Agency to *all and you will see all agency case notes you are authorized to see.

Can I add a Case Note from a document?

Yes. Template Function: FF Update: command=addCaseNote

How can I link a case note from one child’s case into their sibling cases?

Unique list of cases for everyone on the current case plus any of their relatives

Docket Entries

Why can’t the public see documents attached to a docket entry on the public portal?

// Since we can’t secure docket codes, we are commenting this out so we don’t show attachments.

There is no security attached to docket codes, you can either view docket codes or you can’t so you can’t control who can see the attachments, they may be confidential.

How can I remove the authority for someone to add a docket entry?

  • Authority Table: Documents database file – they should have display authority only.
  • Docket Codes (DOCKETCODES) – Allows you to add the different types of docket codes your county may need. Docket codes can be programmed to go in the order book or to show the file stamped date. You can attach documents to the docket code. You can search the system for specific docket codes.
  • Can docket entries be backdated (y/n)? (BACKDATECCS) – Gives you the ability to date a docket or CCS entry any date, including a date in the past.
  • Can old docket entries be updated (y/n)? (UPDATEOLDCCS) – This table allows you to change a docket entry made in the past. If it says ‘N’, you can’t change past docket entries. If it says ‘Y’, you can.
  • GAW150 Secure Document 2 – This rule is designed to limit access to docket codes that a user may otherwise be authorized to view. With this rule, you can define which group(s) should NOT be authorized.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addDocketEntry

Chronological Case Summary

Public Access – every county has a public access portal that will display the CCS. It is your web address followed by the publicaccess.jsp code. You control what documents are displayed on the portal by changing the authority on the security group called public.


Anything that happened on or after 7/1/2014 will be displayed. That includes any cases that were still open as of that date or opened after that date. If a case matches, only ccs items from those cases that happened on or after that date (or were still opened as of that date) will be displaced.

  • Default Tables: Templates to exclude from CCS (SKIPTEMPLATECCS) – As a general rule, any document that gets file stamped or approved appears on the Chronological Case Summary (CCS). If you want a specific document, even if file stamped, to be excluded from the CCS you can program that in this table.
  • Template Function: CCS (FF CCS) – Prints the Chronological Case Summary (CCS) in a document in either ascending or descending order.



There is an entire manual on creating templates. Click here to view manual.

Can I certify documents in Quest?

Yes! Here are the user instructions: Document Certification

You must send the clerk’s seal to Bill to be put on the server.

He will add the URL to the default code: Certify. A decision must be made to save the seal on the document or just put it on the document temporarily.

You must give users authority to certify documents.

Can I certify multiple documents at once?

No, unfortunately it is one at a time. You can save the certification and email multiple documents at one time.

Document Detail screen

We print pending notices based on Agency. When one agency starts the document (DCS for example) and another agency hits the FINISH button (Court for example), which Agency does the report use?

The report looks at the status line and whoever “completes” the document is the agency the report uses.

Can documents be backdated (y/n)?

Yes, the Default Table: (BACKDATEDOC) – Allows you to change the date/time on a document after it has been added.

How can I prevent someone from editing or deleting a document that has been sent to the parties?

There was a change made to the system so that any document that has been “filed stamped” can’t be changed. In Indiana orders are not file stamped. The change was made so that after the print pending notices report runs the system will “file stamp” those documents so they can’t be changed.

How do I get a document to automatically be assigned to the judicial officer assigned to the case upon file stamping?

Set up Rules: GAW144 Auto Assign Document

How can I change how long incomplete documents are kept before being deleted?

Default Tables: Days to keep incomplete forms before deleting (KEEPINCOMPLETE) – Sets the number of days a document can be incomplete before it is automatically deleted.

How can I change how often I’m notified about incomplete documents?

There is a report that runs that send notification. You could change how frequent that scheduled report runs.

How can I delete an attachment from a document?

View the document. Click the get attachment button. Press delete from that screen.

How can I see how many documents a specific user created during a time frame?

If you go to Menu | Miscellaneous | Local | Local Options | Custom Quest Queries

There is a report called List documents by court for a date range

How can I protect the judicial document notes so other agencies can’t see them?

In the Menu | Tables | Agency, select the judicial agency and say “Secure notes? Y”

In the Menu | Tables | Authority, you will now see the judicial agency document notes. You can select who can view them.

Make sure you unselect everyone from viewing
Document notes database file – all agencies
Controls access to document notes from agencies other than this user’s employer agency.NOTE: If you specify this, what you specify for individual agencies has no affect.

What authority is needed to add the document to an event from the Document Detail screen?

They must have authority to edit that particular template.

Can I be notified when the Judge approves my order?

  • Change Document Names (Y/N) (CHANGEDOCNAME) – Provides a line below the template name so you can name the document name to whatever you want rather than just accepting the template name. You can’t change a document name once it has been file stamped or goes into the Order book.
  • Default Tables: Judge approval prior to file stamp (Y/N) (APPROVEFIRST) – If a document has a Motion and an Order on the same document for example, this table lets you set what happens first, does it get file stamped first or does it to go the Judge for approval first.
  • Template Function: Adds documents to the order book (FF AddOrBk) – This function is used to flag the current document so that it will be added to the order book. It’s only necessary if the document isn’t set for approval, which would already place it in the order book. This could be used for adding a scanned order to the order book for example.
  • Template Function: Format event/hearing (FF Hearing) – This function formats hearing dates and times as well as ties a document to an event. You can select from future events, current events, the last event, all events, court only events, with the court, without the court, etc.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=updateDocument – used to changed the Sealed or Confidential status of a document detail.

How do I protect documents?

  • Rule: GAW011 Protect Document – This is meant to protect documents from being updated or deleted once notice has been sent (printed).
  • Rule: GAW083 Protect Document 2 – This is meant to protect a document from being updated once it has been completed.
  • Rule: GAW071 Secure Document – This is meant to limit access to a document to either the person who created it or the person assigned to it.

Document names/cases

How can I add or remove names or cases from a document?

  • Inside the template you can use the FF CMPLNTS function to allow users to select the people and cases to which the document will be attached.
  • A person with *ALL authority can click on the Add link on the Document names/cases to add additional names/cases or they can click on an existing name and either delete the Document Name Detail or click the NEW button and select more cases for the Document Name person.


If you manually click people from this Notices section it does not give you the ability to send by email. Best Practice would be to allow the template to set up this notices section.

How do I get the template to automatically update this notices section?

How can I show that notice is served via Quest Messaging on the COS?

How can I show that notice is served via Quest on the notices section?

  • Set up a Quest service type for Quest.
  • Add that service type to the table: Menu | GVT | Default | Fax

# Quest message service type


How can I stop notice from being sent via Quest messaging? They want to receive it through email.

  • Change their GVT: Person type (PERSONTYPE) – so they don’t receive document messages or to O which indicates the user should receive only non-document related messages.

How do I set up automatic notice of documents?

  • Default Table: Name of notice template (NOTICEDOC) – Allows you to specify the name of the template for your CreateBatchNotice or Print Pending Notices report. This is the address cover page that precedes each document being sent.
  • Report: CreateBatchNotices – often called Print Pending Notice will send the notices out automatically either through US mail or via email if you have that set up.

How do I set up notice by email?

  • Default Table: Allow notice to be delivered by email (NOTICETOEMAIL) – Allows the CreateBatchNotices report (print pending notices) to send the copies of documents by email.

  • Default Table: Faxing available (Y/N) (FAX) – Allows you to customize some information when faxing or emailing documents.
  • Default Table: Send redacted documents for batch notices (SENDREDACTED) – Allows you to decide if you want the documents sent by batch notices (print pending notices) to be redacted.

How can I see if someone has read their emailed document?

  • In the Default Table: Allow notice to be delivered by email (NOTICETOEMAIL). Set up the “Link to YOUR quest system,” then documents are emailed as a link, and when someone clicks on that link, it records the date and time they viewed the document.

How do I change the Service types in the Notices section?

  • GVT: Service disposition (notice) (SERVICEDISP) – Allows you to add the different options for how notice of a document was served or not, for example, served, sent successfully, failed to successfully serve, etc.
  • GVT: Service type (notice) (SERVICETYPE) – Allows you to add the different ways you send notice of a document, for example Email, US Mail, Served in open court, etc.
  • Default Table: Default service type for notices (SERVICETYPE_N) – Allows you to specify the service type the Document Detail Notices section will display when notice is sent by batch notice like print pending notices.

How can I send a copy of a document to someone NOT assigned to the case?

  • Default Table: UserID of person to receive message to print doc (FFAUTOPRT) – This table works with the template function FF AUTOPRT. It allows you to send a copy of a document via Quest message or email to a specific person or a group of people. Use @d/ rather than @v/ for delayed.
  • Address book for fax screen – You can add frequently used email addresses to an address book so when you are viewing a document and wish to email it to someone that is not assigned to the case, such as the jail, child support, or G&W, the user can quickly email the document to the person listed in the address book.
  • Rules: GAW065 Send Email for Documents 2 – Sends an email to whoever you specify letting them know about the document. It also updates the fact that notice was sent to these people.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=sendEmail

How can I send a copy of a document to people assigned to the case?

  • Rules: GAW014 Send Email for Documents – Sends an email or fax if possible to all active case assignments for the names tied to a document letting them know about the document. It also updates the fact that notice was sent to these people.
  • Rules: GAW016 Send Message for Documents – Sends a Quest message to all active case assignments (who are Quest users) for the names tied to a document letting them know about the document. It also updates the fact that notice was sent to these people.
  • GAW015 Send Message – Sends a Quest message to all active case assignments (who are Quest users) tied to the record in question letting them know about the action.
  • GAW060 Send Message 2 – Sends a Quest message to the desired parties about the passed object, such as a new case assignments, facility stay or stay locations, filed statutes or cause numbers, incident statutes, event types, or event attributes.

My Quest users get copies of documents as soon as the document is finished. How can I change it so they get notice after the document has been file stamped or approved?

  • Rules: GAW016 Send Message for Documents – SendMessageForDocuments.skipUntilApproval=y
  • Rules: GAW016 Send Message for Documents – SendMessageForDocuments.skipUntilFileStamp=y

Make sure you have the “Send Message for Documents” rule set up for file stamping

Documents a 0 equest.rules.SendMessageForDocuments
Documents A 1 equest.rules.SendMessageForDocuments
Documents F 5 equest.rules.SendMessageForDocuments

How does the Certificate of Service and Print Pending Notices work?

..\How To – User Instructions\2 – Case\documents\Certificate of Service & Print Pending Notice.pdf


How can I control who sees document notes?

  • Authority: Document notes database file – all agencies – Controls access to document notes from agencies other than this user’s employer agency. NOTE: If you specify this, what you specify for individual agencies has no affect.
  • Authority: Document notes database file – not my note. – Controls access to document notes made by other persons from the same agency as this user’s employer agency.

  • Authority: Document notes database file – Notes associated with a particular document.

Template Function: FF Update: command=addDocumentNote

Viewing a document

Emailing a document

  • Default Tables: Address book for fax screen – You can add frequently used email addresses to an address book so when you are viewing a document and wish to email it to someone that is not assigned to the case, such as the jail, child support, or G&W, the user can quickly email the document to the person listed in the address book.

Can I have a document automatically emailed to a person NOT assigned to the case when document is approved? Yes, you can!!

  • Rules: GAW065 Send Email for Documents 2 – Sends an email to whoever you specify letting them know about the document. It also updates the fact that notice was sent to these people.

When emailing a document does the email come from my email address?

If your email address is listed in the contact information on your person detail screen, the email will come from you. If you do not, the email will come from whatever default email is set up in the Default Table: Faxing available (Y/N) (FAX). default.fromAddress=Court@county.st.us

If nothing is set up there, it will come from quest@gawquest.com

Signing a document

If you click on the SIGN button, any place where there is a signature marker <!–@I$/SIGN–> found in the template, you will be able to sign in that location.

Can I email a document to someone for their signature?

Yes!! Click here to see how.

File Stamp

What authority is needed to file stamp a document?

Must have authority to update in order to file documents (add a filing stamp).

Can I file stamp a scanned document? Yes!!

  • Default Tables: Add file stamp to document attachment (STAMPDOCATTACH) – This will allow you to file stamp scanned documents and print those documents with the file stamp on them.
  • Rules: GAW017 Send Message on File Stamp – Sends a Quest message to the desired parties indicating a document has been file stamped. Can be sent to all case assignments or to a specific quest user.

Why is my document not showing up on the list of documents to be file stamped?

Most likely problem is it is assigned to someone. As long as a document is assigned to someone it won’t show up on the list.

Assigning Documents

You can assign a document to someone, which puts that document on their “list of documents assigned”.

As long as a document is assigned to someone it will not move to the next step. If it is pending file stamp or approval.

  • Rules: GAW068 – Track Document Assignments – Adds a Document Notes entry whenever a document assignment changes.
  • Rules: GAW158 – Auto Assign Document2 – Automatically assigns a document to the next user based upon the user currently assigned to the document. So if you have multiple Magistrates who report to different Judges, you can assign Magistrate 1 documents to go to Judge 1, and Magistrate 2 documents to go to Judge 2.
  • Rules: GAW144 – Auto Assign Document – Automatically assign a document to the last user of the specified role attached to a case associated with the document. This is a great way to get documents automatically assigned to the Magistrate or Judge whose name is assigned to the case.
  • Reports: Notify of Assigned Documents (Notify Assigned Documents)- Reads through all assigned documents and warns assigned users of the documents that have been assigned longer than the grace period provided.  It will also send a message to the user who created the document and the user running this report.

How do I get a document to be automatically assigned to the judicial officer if they are not assigned to the case?

  • Set up Rules: GAW144 Auto Assign Document – have the judge be the default person.

How can I automatically assign the document to the next person?

  • Default document assignments (DOCASSIGNMENTS) – This table allows you to identify the next person who will be responsible for a document. For example, if you have multiple Magistrates that report to multiple Judges, here so when the Magistrate finishes an order it goes to the appropriate Judge for approval.
  • Assigns and unassigns people to the document (FF Assigned) – This assigns and unassigns people to the document. Once a person is assigned, these functions will add basic information about that person to the document, for example the name of the person assigned, their agency, their name and id number, their name and address, even their signature. Perfect for signature lines.
  • Sets and Formats Names, Assigns Document (FF PsnSeq) – Sets the judicial officers name in memory, format the name, shows the person appeared at the hearing, formats a person’s signature, adds a case assignment, ends a case assignment, assigns the document to the next person. Perfect for judicial signature lines.

Can I automatically end document assignments once all signatures are captured?

Yes, make sure this is set to yes in the default tables.

Remove document assignment after last signature


How can I get a person’s signature and name on a document?

  • You can assign the document to that person then use FF PSNSEQ/10 to assign the document to the person, then FF ASSIGNED/00 inputs the name of that person and FF ASSIGNED/22 adds that person’s signature.
  • You can set up Default Tables AutoSign and then FF AutoSign/01 for Name and /02 for signature


Is there a way to see all documents waiting for judicial approval?

  • Menu | Miscellaneous | Local | Local Options | Custom queries menu | Documents needing file stamp, approval, or notice
  • Menu | Miscellaneous | Document Options | Documents Assigned

  • Default Tables: Append approval date after the approval name – When a document is programmed to be approved, once approved the name of the person approving the document appears. This allows you to add the approval date after the name.
  • Default Tables: Replace ActiveX Signatures with image tags (Y?N) (REPLACESIGTAGS) – Allows you to use images rather than the Topaz ActiveX control to display signatures.

  • Rules: GAW063 Auto Approve Document – It will automatically approve the document.
  • Rules: GAW172 Document Approval Updates – this will perform processing when a specific template is accepted/rejected. It can add a case status, case status reason, case attribute, requirement status, new template, complete a template.

  • Template Function: Format current judge (FF Judge) – Formats the judge or magistrate’s signature, puts %%% in the judge area so it goes to the approval list, and formats the judge or magistrate’s name.
  • Default Tables: PersonRole entry used to define ‘In Re’Allows you to specify the role to be used in functions that limit the list of information to those people that have the role of “in re.”
  • Default Tables: default variable names for FF Names/80 (FF NAMES/80) – Allows you to define the Petitioner in a case if the Petitioner is missing. This is useful in those cases where the Petitioner is the State of Indiana.
  • Default Tables: Directory for scanned documents (DOCDIRECTORY) – This table is used by G&W to tell the system the directory where the scanned images are stored. DO NOT CHANGE.
  • Default Tables: CopyVar (COPYVAR) – Allows you to create a template with basic information then have other templates copy the answers from the first template so you don’t have to answer the same question over and over again as you create documents.
  • Default Tables: Label settings (LABELS) – Provides you with the information to configure labels. Quest has an interface with a zebra label printer to print labels.
  • Default Tables: Show order book number/page at top of document (SHOWORDERBOOK) – Allows you to show the order book number and page at the top of orders.
  • Default Tables: Show scanned document before Quest document (SCANNEDFIRST) – Allows you to view the scanned image before the Quest document. This is helpful when you create a certificate of service for a scanned order. When you click VIEW you want to see the scanned order, not necessarily the certificate.
  • Rules: GAW059 Send Message for Documents 2 – Sends a Quest message to the desired parties about the passed Documents object. It also updates the fact that notice was sent to these people.
  • Rules: GAW061 Indiana Send School Notice – It sends a generic email to the current school for each person with an open case attached to the document that has a guilty felony charge. It also sends a regular Quest message to every user directly authorized to the person’s current school assignment.
  • Rules: GAW081 Add Contact for Documents – This will add a contact note for a document.
  • Template Function: Pronoun/verbs (FF Pronoun) – Formats the correct pronoun/verb, based upon the number and sex of the person/persons tied to the document, such as he/she/they, him/her/them, his/her/their, is/are, has/have, was/were, a child/children, and others.
  • Template Function: Accumulate/write running total for a variable (FF Count ) – Used if you want to add the number of something in Quest. Example: Detention Risk Assessment.
  • Template Function: Accumulate/write running total for a variable (FF Subtract) – Used if you want to subtract the number of something in Quest.
  • Template Function: Auto output to document (FF AutoSign) – This function puts names and signatures into documents based on entries in the defaults table: FF AutoSign.
  • Template Function: Formats information from defaults (FF DefaultsL), (FF DefaultsN), (FF DefaultsS) – This function points to a defaults table and either prints the short description, long description, or notes of that default table.
  • Template Function: Automatically update data (FF Update) – Automatically update Quest data, based upon the information you put in the prompt.
  • Template Function: Capture a signature as a response (FF GetSig) – This function is used to capture a person’s signature as the document is being filled out. The signature is captured at the time the prompt is displayed and stored as a response, thus it won’t be lost if the document is edited afterwards.
  • Template Function: Copy a variable (FF CopyVar) – The current document looks at a previous document to copy the answers to questions already asked and answered.
  • Template Function: Current date (FF CurDate) – Puts the current date into the document. There are various formats to choose from including some with the current date/time.
  • Template Function: Date (FF Date) – Puts a date into your document. The date comes in various formats.
  • Template Function: Default date (FF DateDef) – Puts a date into a document but instead of an empty date field, it defaults to the current date. This comes in various format.
  • Template Function: Formats the name of the current document (FF DocName) – This function outputs the name of the primary document that was selected by the user. For instance, it is useful if you want to output the document name within the context of a common, included, header.
  • Template Function: Free form HTML text field (FF Html) – This function provides a free form text field that accepts HTML and provides an HTML editor. It is intended to be used with unlimited field length (99).
  • Template Function: Free form text field (FF AppData) – This function provides a free form text field. Response is saved in AppData. It is intended to be used if you want to save the user’s response to the variable name so that if you use the same function with the same variable name in another form, the response will default to whatever was entered the last time
  • Template Function: Import a scanned document (FF GetDoc) – This function is used to import a scanned document into Quest. It also allows for the entry of text, presumably to be used as the associated CCS entry.
  • Template Function: Include all pending notices for a person (FF Notice) – This function will automatically include all documents and docket entries pending for the witnessPersonID specified in parms.
  • Template Function: Include one document into another (FF IncForm) – This function lists all proposed documents for every personID/caseID tied to the current document. A proposed document is one that has ‘proposed’ checked on the corresponding template, isn’t in the order book and isn’t locked. The user must then select ONE of these documents to be included into the current document.
  • Template Function: IV-E Prompt screen (FF IVE) – Just displays the list of names selected by FF RELATN/50. Allows the user to select to update the various IV-E detail components for each person. Used in Indiana.
  • Template Function: KidsTrack Prompt screen (FF KidsTrack) – Just displays the list of names selected by FF RELATN/50. Displays the link to KidsTrack and automatically jumps to that link.
  • Template Function: Pause document completion (FF Interim) – Pauses the document into an ‘Interim’ completion state. The document will still be considered ‘Incomplete’, allowing it to be updated later. Other users will be able to view the document just as if it had been ‘Completed’ though.
  • Template Function: Prompt (FF Prompt) – Displays the prompt defined for the variable and list all names/cases tied to the document. The user can select the names and/or cases to update information.
  • Template Function: Select 1 or more people (FF Cmplnts) – This function allows you to control the people and cases users can attach to a document. They can choose 1 or more people, with or without cases. This is included in almost every template.
  • Template Function: Select a specific code (FF Code) – Pulls up a table and allows the user to select the appropriate entry. This is used instead of creating an @sel/ with every option as an @si/.
  • Template Function: Select people (FF People) – Lists all document names, case assignments and relatives tied to a document. You select the person you wish to process.
  • Template Function: Send message to print the document (FF AutoPrt) – This function is used to send a message to the userID identified in the FF AutoPrt/00 Defaults table entry to print the document. Must be used with @d/.
  • Template Function: Set document settings (FF ImmApr) – Sets document as approved, needing approval, needing immediate approval, no approval needed, needing to be file stamped.

  • Reports: Print batch docket forms /Print Pending Notices (CreateBatchNotices) – This report will cause pending notices to be sent to the designated parties via email or U.S. mail. It will provide you with an information list about documents that were sent via email. It will provide an address cover sheet and a copy of the document to be mailed so it can be printed and stuffed into window envelopes to be sent to the post office. It will update the document detail screen to indicate the date notice was sent, how it was sent, and the address where it was sent.
  • Custom Queries: List documents by court for a date range (documentsbycourt.jsp) – This query allows you to pull a list of all the specific documents or the specific docket code that was created during the reporting period. You can narrow the results by a specific court and/or a specific case type. It displays the date of the document or code, the approval date, the Name of the case, court, cause, and the name of the user who completed the document or code. This is a wonderful way to find cases where specific documents or docket codes were entered.


  • Tables: Courts – This is where you configure the different courts or calendars. You can set up schedules and.
  • GVT Tables: Holidays (HOLIDAYS) – Allows you to add holidays or days that the court is closed. The daily collection report will look for these dates and skip them as business days for collection purposes. You can also use this for notes you want displayed on specific dates. The daily and monthly calendar will display those notes.
  • GVT Tables: Court Location (COURTLOCATION) – Allows you to add all your courtrooms so you can put judicial officers in specific court locations on the docket.
  • GVT Tables: Schedule type (SCHEDULETYPE) – If your court has a schedule that can be set up as reoccurring every 4 weeks, you can set up a color-coded schedule that will show on the monthly calendar.
  • GVT Tables: UserIDs that can be scheduled (SCHEDULINGIDS) – This table allows you to set up equipment and rooms that can be scheduled. You set up each piece of equipment and each room, such as projector and Basement Training Room, as a person in Quest with a UserID. You can then schedule appointments indicating that training will be held in the basement training room and you will be using the projector.
  • Template Functions: Format case names, names assigned, relatives (FF CaseNames) – Formats the case names, names assigned to the case, and relatives in a format that is helpful for what could be called “Judge’s Notes.” It can be produced as a batch, so you could run it for a court docket and get a check list of everyone on the case.
  • Template Functions: Formats information about people checked in (FF CheckedIn) – This function will format the names/roles of everyone checked in for the event tied to the current document.

Court Docket

How can I get fee balances to print on the docket?

Run the report Court docket

How can I get alleged father’s to appear on the docket with other relatives?

In Menu | Tables | Generic Validation Tables | Relative Type, you can specify if this type of relative should appear on the docket.

Can I have relatives appear on the docket on only specific case types?

No, it is based on the generic validations table, under relative type.

I have a grandmother who has custody of the children so I want her to appear on the docket as a relative, but I don’t want ALL grandparents to show up, only if they have custody.

In Menu | Tables | Generic Validation Tables | Custody Status | you can code each custody status type to appear on the docket or not.

How can I show that an event is virtual?

Add an event attribute called Virtual Hearing for example. The attribute will be displayed on the court docket.

Is there a way to view an entire month of a court docket instead of viewing it by date?

You can look at the monthly calendar.  Menu | Court | Monthly Calendar.

The Event Audit Report will list events for a date range.

Can I display the docket on our TV in the lobby?

Yes! DocketOnTV

  • Default Tables: Number of days from arrest for speedy trial (SPEEDYTRIAL) – Specifies the number of days that should be added to the date of the first incident to determine the speedy trial date. The speedy trial date is printed on the court docket.
  • Default Tables: Special processing for dockets (DOCKETS) – Allows you to customize your court docket.
  • Rules: GAW135 Secure Event Overload – This is a security rule designed to limit a user or group to specific court(s) if they are authorized to overload hearings.
  • Reports: Court docket (CourtDocket) – This report will print a court docket allowing you to customize the docket in more ways than you can just by using the court docket screen. You can display a child’s initials only if they are under 18, limit the docket to only specific event types, you can include such things as: at risk attributes, notes, amount owed, and current location.
  • Reports: Court docket notes (CourtNotes) – This report will look at a specific court docket from a specific date and print the docket along with the docket notes. You can pull this for past or future dockets.
  • Reports: Court sign in (CourtSignIn) – This report will pull the events for a specific day and list the people who could possibly be appearing for this hearing and provide a place for them to “sign in.” Give you a manual way to check people in for hearings.

Add Events

Case Person Schedule

Court Call

Court Check In

Daily Calendar

Find Court Dates

Monthly Calendar

Reschedule Court Docket


Assigned Persons


How do I set up a new assessment?

Setting up assessments

  • GVT Tables: Assessment Level for each assessment type (ASSESSLEVEL) – Allows you to add different levels for the different types of assessments. If you’re doing a Detention Release Assessment, the levels may be Detain, Release with Conditions, Release.
  • GVT Tables: Assessment Override Reason (OVERRIDEREASON) – Allows you to establish standard reasons for overriding the scored level of an assessment.
  • GVT Tables: Assessment Reason (ASSESSREASON) – Allows you to provide options for why you are doing an assessment.
  • GVT Tables: Assessment Type (ASSESSTYPE) – Allows you to set up the names of different types of assessments as well as program if this assessment type should appear on the case plan screen.
  • GVT Tables: Domain sections for each assessment type (DOMAINSECTION) – Allows you to set up different domains or sections for each assessment so you can see how they score in the different areas.

How can I protect an assessment so it can’t be viewed?

  • Rules: GAW092 Protect Assessment – This is meant to protect an assessment or assessment detail from being viewed by a group otherwise authorized.
  • Template Function: Select assessment (FF Assess) – This function is used to list the assessments for the people tied to the document.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=assessment
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=assessmentDetail
  • Reports: RAI Efficiency Statistics (RAIEfficiency) – This report will look at specific case types and risk assessments. It will report recidivism based on risk assessment level, race and sex and provides a beautiful graph of the results.
  • Reports: Risk assessment summary (RiskSummary) – This report will look at selected assessment for all children or only currently detained children. It will report information about the assessment, such as overall score, assessment levels, override reasons and notes as well as the incident charges.
  • Reports: Probation risk assessment (RiskAssessmentsNeeded) – This report will provide a list of those people with a probation requirement that have not had a specific risk assessment or are in need of the assessment again. This report is by names assigned to the case for a specific agency, division, unit, or user ID.


User Manual Monthly Personal Calendar

Case Assignments

Case Load

How can I easily email everyone on my caseload?

Cntrl X will copy the email address of everyone displayed. You can then paste into email.

Watch Video on how to do this

Case Loads

This screen simply lists all the users in a specific Agency / Division / Unit. This screen refreshes every 60 minutes or whatever is specified in the Report: Recalculate case assignments.

  • GVT: Agencies (AGENCY) – Allows you to set up different agencies used throughout the system.
  • GVT: Division within an agency (DIVISION) – Allows you to group Quest users by division or department.
  • GVT: Unit within a division (UNIT) – Allows you to group Quest users by unit within a division or department.
  • Report: Recalculate case assignments (RECALCASSIGN) – This report recalculates the case assignments for those people assigned to a case. You can cause it to recalculate all case assignments or only for a specific person type.

Case Plans

Can I have only the open case plans appear in my document?

Yes! Click here for more information.

  • GVT: Case plan codes (for default entries) (PLANCODE) – Allows you to define standard options for the different levels of a case plan. For example, Level 1 may represent the area of need, such as substance abuse, Level 2 may represent their goal, such as remain drug/alcohol free, and level 3 may represent steps they must take to reach their goal, such as attend AA meetings.
  • GVT: Case plan levels (PLANLEVEL) – Allows you to name the different levels of a case plan, such as Level 1: Need, Level 2: Goals, Level 3: Action Steps.
  • GVT: Case plan status (PLANSTATUS) – Allows you to add the different options for the status of each level of the case plan.
  • Template Functions: Automatically format the case plan (FF CasePlan) – Takes the case plan and puts it into a document. There are 3 different format options, and one function allows you to select the items you wish to appear in the document.
  • Template Functions: Select case plan (FF CasePlan) – Formats the case plan for the user’s agency of the first identity tied to the document.


I created a Contact Type of PERS – Personnel Note.     Where do I go to indicate who can view it?    I only want me and the Asst. Chief to be able to enter and view.

  • Rules: GAW124 Protect Contact – This is meant to protect specific contact notes from being seen by people who would otherwise be authorized to it.

Can I automatically add a contact note when a requirement is completed?

Can I change the view contact default display to more than 30 days?

Yes. GVT Tables | Defaults | ContactDays

Can I show contacts on the detention list?

Yes. GVT Tables | Defaults | DETLISTSHOWCON

  • GVT Tables: Contact Person (CONTACTPERSON) – Allows you to add the different types of people with whom you have contact.
  • GVT Tables: Contact Type (CONTACTTYPE) – Allows you to add the different types of people with whom you have contact, as well as program if this type of contact is considered an “in person” or a “face to face” contact.
  • GVT Tables: Contact Attribute Type (CONTACTATTRTYPE) – Allows you to add attributes to your contacts.
  • Rules: GAW107 Secure Contact – This rule is designed to limit access to contacts of specified types. If a contact is being secured, in addition to the regular authority to access it, the user must be in the same agency as the person who created the contact.
  • Rules: GAW112 Document Note to Contact – Creates a contact when a document note is completed by a particular person. Copies the document note to the contact note.
  • Rules: GAW118 Contact to Substance Report – Creates a substance report when a contact is added.
  • Rules: GAW121 Case Plan to Contact – This is meant to create (or update) a contact note when a case plan item changes.
  • Reports: Contact Summary (ContactSummary) – This report will count the number of contacts made by a specific person or by an agency, division, unit. It will display the contact person and contact types made during the time period.
  • Reports: Contact Attribute Inquiry (ContactAttributeInquiry) – reports on the attributes of the contacts made.
  • Reports: Administrative Sanctions/Violations Process Report (SanctionsViolations) – This report will list the number of specific contact types and filed statutes that were completed during the time period for each user in the specific agency, division, unit or for a specific person.
  • Custom Queries: Contacts by type – with race & gender totals (contactsbytype.jsp) – This query provides a list of all contacts that match the requested contact type, that were added during the report period. It will also break down those contacts by race and sex.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addContact


Is there a way to remove sections from the dashboard that we don’t use?

When we have statutes entered with a disposition as informal adjustment … then the statutes do not appear on dashboard view even if the case is still active. Is there a way we can have it show up on dashboard? 

  • The dashboard shows statutes that are either open or considered “guilty”. For a filed statute disposition of Informal Adjustment to show on the dashboard, that type of disposition would need to be coded as “guilty” on the Table: Statute Disposition.
  • We now have the ability to change the DASHBOARD default table to specify which dispositions to include.

# Include statues with the following non-guilty dispositions

# statuteDispo.n=CODE




How do I get the YSO or the PO or the DCS Case Manager to show up on the dashboard under the current PO/Worker spot?

  • There is a limited number of Roles that can show up here. I know of 3. They can be found in the Default Tables if you search for person type. All of these roles will be displayed on the dashboard.

But I need more than just 3 types to show up!!

Click on the Probation entry. Add the different types of Probation Officers. Add as many types as needed.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

What is the Security Threat Dashboard?

  • A special dashboard where you can record threats and potential danger to children, staff, buildings, etc.

Security Threat Group Dashboard information


Others Assigned

Reassign Case Load

Supervision Levels

GVT Tables:

  • Supervision level (SUPERVISIONLVL) – Allows you to define the different levels of supervision in your county, such as High, Medium, Low. This also allows you to program how many days between contacts, if those contacts must be “in person” contacts, and how often a person is on this level before changing levels.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addSupervisionLevel


Detention Manual

Detention List

User Manual – Detention List

Can I show separations on the Detention List?

  • Separations only appear if they are violated.

Detention Incidents

User Manual – Detention Incident

Can a person be notified if a certain type of incident is added?

Yes, Rule GAW060, SendMessage2 to send Quest Message. GAW189 to Send Email.

  • GVT Tables: Detention incident investigation finding (INVESTFINDING) – Allows you to add the different findings you may find after an investigation, such as Unsubstantiated, Confirmed, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Detention incident retaliation end reason (RETALIATIONEND) – Allows you to add reasons for why the incident retaliation would end, such as Unfounded, Released, Beyond 90 days, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Detention incident role (DINCIDENTROLE) – Allows you to identify the different roles involved in a detention incident, such as Aggressor, Victim, Witness, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Detention incident supervisor determination (SUPERDETERMINE) – Allows you to add the different determinations a supervisor reviewing the detention incident may have, such as Unsubstantiated, Unfounded, Founded, etc.
  • GVT Tables: Detention incident type (DINCIDENTTYPE) – Allows you to add different types of detention incidents that you wish to track, determining if these incidents types are PREA, Assault or Fights.
  • Reports: Detention incident extract (DetentionIncidentExtract) – This report produces a .csv (spreadsheet) file with the detention incident statistics for detention incidents that occurred during the date range. It includes information such as injuries, restraints, DCS referrals, and people involved in the incident.

Facility Counts

User Manual – Facility Counts

Facility Stays

User Manual – Facility Stay

How can I automatically add a requirement when I add a facility stay?

  • Set up Rule: GAW099 Stay to Require – This is meant to act as a trigger to automatically add/update the corresponding requirement to the database whenever a stay reason starts and/or ends.

How can I add a facility stay without having to add a case first?

  • A case must be tied to the stay reason.

Rules: GAW087 Require Case on Stay Reason – Validates that a case is tied to the Stay Reason record.

FF LOCATE/00 Formats current stay location of first id

FF LOCATE/01 Formats current stay location w/bed of first id

FF LOCATE/03 Formats date current stay location of first id

FF LOCATE/04 Formats days at current stay location of first id

FF LOCATE/06 Formats days at current stay of first id

FF LOCATE/05 Formats days at each stay location of first id

FF LOCATE/02 Formats detention priviledge level of first id

FF LOCATE/10 Formats release date of latest stay of first id

FF LOCATE/11 Formats release reason of latest stay of first id


  • GVT Tables: Location code for facilities (LOCATIONCODE) – Allows you to specify the different locations within a facility or the different facilities used by your county. These locations can be considered “secure” or “non-secure.” You can specify the capacity of each location.
  • Rules: GAW101 Send Email for Detention – Sends an email to the desired parties about detention counts exceeding a desired threshold.
  • Rules: GAW119 Send Email for New Detention – Sends an email to the desired parties about a new person being brought into detention.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=addStayLocation
  • Template Functions: Formats the recidivism of the first id (FF Rcdvsm) – Formats the number of times a person has been held in secure detention.


Can I have different bed numbers for specific pods?

Yes, In the GVT | Table Definitions | Add a new table called BUNIT for example. Under that table list all the possible beds, 201-220 for example. Then in the Location table, specify the bed code (BUNIT) and you will get that specific bed list.

  • GVT Tables: Bed assignments within a location (ASSIGNEDBED) – Allows you to define the options for a specific bed or room number which can be assigned to a person being detained. This bed location appears on the detention list.
  • Default Tables: Limit stay locations dropdown to open only (Y/N) (LIMITLOCATIONS) – On the edit stay location detail screen, when adding/updating, should the stay locations be limited to those that have available space and beds be limited to only those that are unused?


  • GVT Tables: Classification Within Facility (CLASSIFICATION) – Allows you to add options for special classifications, such as Suicide Watch. The classification can be displayed in red on different screens if necessary.

Privilege level

  • GVT Tables: Privilege level within facility (PRIVILEGELEVEL) – Allows you to create options for the different privilege levels available in your facility, such as Lockdown, Activity Restriction, etc. There can be one level per person.

Property Location

  • GVT Tables: Property locations for facility stays (PROPERTYLOC) – Allows you to create specific locations for property such as “Locker 1” or so. Only those available will be in the drop down.
  • Default Tables: Use Property Location table for facility stays (USEPROPERTYLOC) – Make the property location on the facility stay screen a drop down using the PropertyLoc table instead of free form text.



  • GVT Tables: Release reason from a facility (RELEASEREASON) – Allows you to add the different reasons why a person would be released, such as Court Order or DOC transport.


  • GVT Tables: Stay attribute type (ATTRIBUTETYPES) – Allows you to add all possible options for warnings, health issues, behavioral issues, psychological issues, PREA results, etc. about a person being detained. You can have multiple attributes on one person.
  • Template Function: FF Update: command=stayAttribute
  • Reports: Stay attribute inquiry (StayAttributeInquiry) – This report will provide a list of the people matching the facility stay attribute selected as well as the total number of matches for each attribute requested.

Phone List

Assessments during stay

Detention incidents during stay

Facility Stay notes (individual)

Facility stay notes (overall)

Log Books

Users must have authority to view logbooks and “not my note” if they want to see other’s notes.

Log Visits


If you want separation violations to alert you, and you want them listed on the Detention List, make sure your Location Code for Facilities has Separation=Y.

Stay Events

Can be used for transportation.


  • User Manual – Visitors
  • GVT Tables: Visitor type (VISITORTYPE) – Allows you to define the different types of visitors a person may have while detained, such as relatives, clergy, attorney, etc.
  • Rules: GAW142 Add Assignment as Visitor – Adds an assigned person as an approved visitor whenever a case assignment is added and there’s an open stay or whenever a stay is added and there’s an open assignment. Whenever either the stay or assignment ends, the person is removed from the visitor list (unless the stay is still open and the person is assigned to another case).


  • User Manual – Visits
  • GVT Tables: Visit Type (VISITTYPE) – Allows you to add the different types of visits a person detained may have, such as a personal visit, phone call, etc.


Is it possible to have Quest automatically generate a report every morning at 7 am of who has come through Detention the past 24 hours ? And to have it go to specified email addresses?

Yes – Detention movement over period. This report will show everyone who came in and who was released. Most reports can be scheduled and emailed, this one can.

How can I find out how many children were sent to a specific facility for the past 10 years?

  • Detainee info over period allows you to select a date range and facility.
  • Detention movement over a period allows you to select a date range and facility.
  • Detention stays over a period allows you to select a date range and facility.
  • Reports: Custody overview (CustodyOverview) – The report looks for open facility stays and open requirements that are defined in the report settings. It will also report on any facility stay or requirement that closed during the time period. It reports locations, classifications, attributes, start date and duration. If defined, it will look for people with a warrant and report on them. The report can also contain school information if desired.
  • Reports: Detained as of specific date (DetainedOnDate) – This report will list every person with an open facility stay on a specific date. The report can be limited to only certain locations and/or only secure locations. It will show the name, race, sex, age, location, length of time at that location, stay length and name of probation officer at that time.
  • Reports: Detained felonies (DetainedFelonies) – The report will provide a list of people in secure detention locations who have at least one felony level filed statute that has been disposed as guilty. The report will provide name, race, sex, dob, height, weight, hair, eyes, location, and the officer listed on the incident.
  • Reports: Detainee info over period (DetaineeInfo) – The report lists all people with an open stay location during the time period. It will list the name, location, start date, admission type or reason the person was detained, duration, and release reason if the person was released.
  • Reports: Detention Meals (DetentionMeals) – This report will list the people currently detained in a specific location. It will print a sheet that lists the person’s name, age, race, and bed. Then will provide columns for Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack so each meal the person receives can be marked. If requested, the report can also list the dietary needs for that person, so you can ensure their meals do not include anything they are not to receive.
  • Reports: Detention movement over period (DetentionMovement) – This report lists everyone who was moved in to or out of the selected location during the time period. It will report the date/time of the movement, name of person, race, sex, age, moved from location, moved to location, location length and stay length. It will also provide this information in a spreadsheet format.
  • Reports: Detention school attendance (IDNotesForStays) – This report was created so those detention centers with schools could have a designated area to make notes about school attendance while in detention. This report will give a count of the residents in each location with notes on that date. It will break the students down by school district.
  • Reports: Detention stays over period (DetentionStays) – This report is providing information on the people who were in the locations specified in the report criteria at any time during the reporting period. It will provide name, race, sex, dob, age, start date, end date, location, allegations, classifications and attributes, and length of time at that location. This is a great report if you need to justify why you are holding children in your facility, if you invoice others for detaining, or are invoiced for your children being detained.
  • Reports: Incident monitoring report (IncidentReports) – This report looks at a specific document, such as “Detention Incident Reports” and tallies the responses to various questions, such as “where did the incident occur,” “was there self-harm,” “was there use of force,” etc. to provide a summary report of the incidents.
  • Reports: Location Counts Over a Period (LocationCounts) – This report will provide the total number of males and females in specified locations on every day during the time period. It will be broken down by location, with a total of all locations at the end.
  • Reports: Detention statistics (DetentionStats) – This report looks at the specified locations to determine statistics such as, new referrals, broken down by sex, month, hour, race, ethnicity, school, agency and recidivism. It also calculates monthly statistics such as bed days, chargeable bed days, post disposition bed days, average daily population, and average length of stay.
  • Reports: People detained over period (DetainedOverPeriod) – This report will search for people detained in the specified location for at least the minimum number of days entered in the report criteria. It will display the name, race, sex, dob, age, ssn, file number, times held, and length held.
  • Reports: PREA Violations or PREA Stay Review Report (DetainedTooLong) – This report will list those people who were held for a specified number of hours in a specific location, such as the intake or screening area. The report will provide the location, stay and end times and the length of time in that location.
  • Reports: Stay statistics report (StayStats) – This report provides statistics about a specific location. It can be narrowed to include only specific types of incidents. Every section is broken down by Sex and Race. It provides statistics about the people in that location during the report period. It reports statistics such as Day, Month, Hour of arrest details, Age, Offense, Time Referred, Release, Case Disposition, Referring Agency, and zip codes.



Allows you to give specific authority to security groups. Authority is Add, Edit, Delete & View.

Authorized Schools

Used to give a person access to specific schools only. A child must be attending that school for this person to be able to view information about that child.

Chart of Accounts

This is where the financial accounts are stored and configured.


This is where you configure the different courts or calendars. You can set up schedules and.

Deadline Rules

Allows you to automatically add deadlines or “to-do” items when specific things happen.

Generic Validation Tables

This is where every drop-down menu item is stored and where specific defaults for each jurisdiction can be configured.

Default Tables

Policy Rules

Requirement Phase Items

Requirement Transaction Types

This is not an area you can configure, it is used by the programmers only.


This area is where you configure the different requirement types and codes.

Adding Program Requirements


This area is where you can configure the different rules to help your system do tasks automatically.

Scheduled Jobs

This is where you run different reports automatically.


You can NOT change this table, it is consistent throughout the State. Please contact Gottlieb & Wertz if you need a statute added or changed.


This is where you configure the templates that produce the documents in Quest.

Minor Fixes

Template Functions

FF Update

Time Codes

You can configure a time clock system for your employees.



User Manual: Messages

My Magistrate isn’t getting a Quest message when documents are assigned to him.

Messages are controlled by the Person Type table. Look at your Magistrate Person Detail screen and see what you have for their person type, then go to that table and say what type of messages that person type should received.

Can I paste an image in a Quest Message?

  • GVT Tables: Message status (MESSAGESTATUS)Allows you to create options for the status of a message. You can set up a status that means ‘do not automatically delete’ that can be set up in the DeleteOldMessages Report so any message with this status wouldn’t get automatically deleted.
  • Default Tables: Number of days to keep messages before deleting (DELETEMESSAGES) – Allows you to tell the system the number of days a Quest message is kept before it is automatically deleted.
  • Rules: GAW152 Log new Messages – This is meant to automatically log messages in XML format to a log file in /temp. The file name will be in the format JURISDICTION-Messages-year-mm-dd.xml.
  • Report: Delete old messages (DeleteOldMessags) – This report will check messages and delete any that are older than the number of days to keep a message before deleting set up in the Default Tables: Number of days to keep messages before deleting. It will also skip any messages that have a message status that means ‘do not automatically delete’.

Active List

User Manual: ActiveList

The Active List must be setup by G&W.

It can include options from Requirements, Warrants, Person Attributes, Identity Status, and Stay Locations.

Bulletin Board

Deadlines Assigned

Document Options

Documents Assigned

How do I code a template so documents can be signed from this screen?

You add a signature marker <!–@I$/SIGN–> wherever you want a person to sign.

Can I get a list of documents that were assigned to me before I unassigned them?

A DCS attorney checked the list of documents for him to sign from his assigned documents list.  He thinks there were 15.  Instead of actually signing the documents, he inadvertently unassigned them from himself.  Now he is unsure which documents were unassigned to track them down.  Is there a way to know which ones he unassigned himself from?

Bill response: No, not easily. If I knew about when it happened, we could look at all document notes for the time frame and then look for his name in that. Bottom line, CALL G&W IMMEDIATELY!!

Documents/Docket Entries

Documents to Approve

GVT Tables:

  • Names to use when approving a document (APPROVALNAMES) – Allows you to override the person’s name if they are authorized to approve forms. For example, if you have Magistrates who are a Special Judge on a case.

Default Tables:

  • Documents to approve – Case Attributes (DOCTOAPPROVEATR) – Allows you to control whether to display case attributes on the Judge’s Documents to be Approved screen.
  • Documents to approve – Col Header Scripts (DOCTOAPPROVE) – Allows you to customize the Judge’s Documents to Be Approved screen by allowing the Approve and Reject column headers be used to check/uncheck all boxes in that column or not. If not the Judge must select each order individually.
  • Number of days to wait before approving a form (EXCEPTIONPERIOD) – If you want orders to wait a number of days before being sent to the Judge’s approval list, you can specify the number of days to wait in this table.

Documents to File Stamp

Default Tables:

Documents e-filed

Order Book/Filings

Template Functions:

  • Adds documents to the order book (FF AddOrBk) – This function is used to flag the current document so that it will be added to the order book. It’s only necessary if the document isn’t set for approval, which would already place it in the order book. This could be used for adding a scanned order to the order book for example.


Folder Tracking


Local Options


Locator Information

Authority table: IdentityMisc database file

Video about Locator


Time Keeping Employees

..\How To – User Instructions\Process – IN\TimeKeeping.docx





How long does my output stay on the system before being deleted?

Report: Delete old output. There is a section that says:

# number of days to keep old output before its deleted




Requirement Counts





Active Users

Can anyone have authority to view Active Users?

It is an authority table.

Email G&W


System Log

The System Log is a wonderful screen that helps with managing the system and the users.

Read more about System Log.

Can anyone have authority to view the system log?

No, only *all can see it.

A supervisor tried to finish a Probation Officer’s report of PI She received a message in yellow stating “ Unable to do a specified update (CaseName) the identity is not valid” How do I look up what the exact error was?

Pull up the system log, select information only, and it will provide you with more information about the error.

System Status


GVT Tables:

  • Attribute Groups (ATTRIBUTEGROUPS) – Allows you to set grouping titles for any of the attributes
  • Classification Policies (POLICY) – Allows you to establish different policies which you can then use to establish Policy Rules, such as SHOCAP.
  • Policy criteria – *** DO NOT CHANGE *** (POLICYCRITERIA) – This is for G&W use only.
  • Frequency (FREQUENCY) – This table sets up the frequency options used in the system, such as how frequently a scheduled report should run, how often a reoccurring fee should be assessed, etc.

Default Tables:

  • County (COUNTY) – This table indicates your county number. This is used for generated case numbers and also used as the default county when adding an address. This can also be used in some form functions.
  • County Title (COUNTYTITLE) – This is the default county title that is used on report headings and other places.
  • Court (COURT) – This is the default court in your county.
  • FF Defaults/00-19 (FFDEFAULTS) – These tables allow you to record the name of the elected officials in your county. Inside templates you can then simply add a variable that points to the appropriate default table and it will print the short or long description of the table. If an elected official changes you simply change the long description or name of the official and the change is made through all templates. You can do this with any name, not just elected officials
  • Map information (MAPINFO) – Allows you to customize the mapping interface for your jurisdiction. You can tell the map where the center of the map should be and set the initial zoom level of the map.
  • YAHOOKEY – this is not used anymore, we use MAPINFO
  • Rule parameters – site specific rule settings (RULEPARMS) – Allows you to set site specific rule settings. See Rules for more information about rules.
  • Settings for kiosk (KIOSK) – Allows you to configure a kiosk for public access to Quest. Contact G&W if you want to set this up in your jurisdiction.
  • Signature capture & display script (SignCap & SignDis) – These two tables are the programming behind the signature capture and display function. Do not change these.


  • Monthly/year to date statistics – This report will provide you with more information that you will ever need! Referring agencies, age and race of referrals, times referred, charges, case status, how many open cases, statute dispositions, requirements, and document information.

Custom Queries:

  • Production templates and/or responses with specific text (templates.jsp) – This query lists all production templates that contain the specified text, either in the body of the template or in a prompt.
  • Responses entered (responses.jsp) – This query counts and groups all responses for a specific variable from a selectable template for documents created over the given date range. Alternatively, it can count all occurrences of a specific input/output response over the time frame.