Sending and Installing Templates

Menu | Tables | Templates

Pull up the template you wish to share, by clicking on the name of the template.

Click on the Send button and email the template to yourself or whomever you wish to share it with.

The document will be sent to you or another person through email.

You can then download the document, which saves it in your downloads folder on your computer.

To upload the document into Quest, in the templates area, click the NEW template or click on an existing template if you’re just going to update it with this new version.

If adding a new template, add the template name and title.

Click on the Choose File button to find the document you saved. Click on that document to upload it into Quest.

Go to wherever you saved the file, maybe your downloads folder, click the document and then click open. This allows that document to be uploaded.

Click the Update button to upload the document.

The document will now be in your system in “Test” mode. You can make any changes to it necessary before turning the Status into Production.

You will need to double check the template settings, determining if this document needs file stamped, approval, selectable, etc.

Once everything is the way you want it, turn it from Test into Production.

If this is a new template you will need to give authority so people can add, edit, delete or view this new document.

Click on the padlock in front of the document name.

The easiest way to grant authority to a new template is to copy the authority from a similar document.

Select the document whose authority you which to copy. Click the Update button.