Name Search
Use this area to find people and many other things in Quest. Enter your criteria and press Submit. Results of the search will be displayed. Click on the appropriate person’s name to be taken to their PERSON DETAIL screen or CASE DETAIL screen.
From the MENU: Person, Name Search
- Last: Type in the person’s last name, or the business name. You can search for a person’s entire last name; however, if you are unsure of the spelling, you can type in a few letters of the individual’s last name followed by the wildcard (tho% or tho_). The wildcard is the % or the _ . If you are searching for a business name, the entire legal name of the business goes into the last name field. Always use a wildcard to search for a business name. For example: Walmart could be added as Wal-Mart, Wal Mart, Walmart, Inc., Walmart on Main Street, etc. Search for wal%.
- First: You do not need to type in a first name at all, but if you want to narrow the search, you can type in the entire first name, just the first letter of the name, or the first couple letters followed by the wildcard % or _. If you type anything more than just the first letter, you must use a wildcard.
- If you click to select Sound-a-like, you must use a whole name and not the wildcard. For example, if you are searching for Vandoska, but are not sure how to spell it, you can select the sound-a-like. Type in the last name as you think it is spelled, put in a first initial, click on Submit. The system will provide you with a list of everyone whose last name sounds like Vandoska, with a first name starting with the letter you typed in.
- File Number: Each person in Quest with a case has a unique file number assigned to them. If you know a person’s file number you can type it here instead of searching for their name.
- Case: If you know the case number you are searching for you can enter it here. You can enter the long format of the case number or any shortcut case number set up in your jurisdiction.
- Petition: Each petition created in Quest is assigned a petition number. If you know the petition number, you can enter it here and be taken to the PERSON DETAIL screen for the person the petition was created for. If you then click on Menu, Case, Filed Statutes, you will be taken to the filed statute the petition was created for.
- File Numbers Only: If checked, the search results will be limited to only those people that match the criteria and have a unique file number in Quest. If unchecked, the results will include all people in the system, including those without a file number.
- Addresses: If checked, the search results will display the address of every person who matches the criteria. If unchecked, the addresses will not be displayed.
You will notice that Sam Jones is an AKA for Samantha Jones, therefore they have the same address, phone numbers, and file number.
- Show relatives: If checked, the search results will display the relative names of those people who match the criteria. If unchecked, the relatives will not be displayed.
- Advanced search: If checked, the search screen will expand to include the following options.
- Auto clear criteria: If checked, the criteria you entered last time you did a name search will be cleared. If unchecked, the criteria will remain and you will have to manually delete them.
Click the SUBMIT button or press ALT+S to display the results of your selections.
Search Results:
After you enter your search criteria and press submit, the system will give you the results of your search. If you find the person you are searching for, simply click on their name to be taken to their PERSON DETAIL screen.
Quest will also hold several of the most recent names used. This way if you have been working on a person, you don’t need to keep searching for their name, they will be listed here.
Advanced Search:
If you select this option, you will be given many more ways to find what you are searching for.
- Race: You can limit your search to only those with a specific race. For example, you know the last name is Smith, and you know the race of the person, you can put that information in, click submit, and the results will display only those people with the last name of Smith that match the race you selected.
- Sex: You can limit your search to only those with a specific sex. If you know the person is a female, the results will eliminate all males that would otherwise have matched the other criteria entered.
- DOB: You can enter a specific date of birth, and everyone in the system that matches that date of birth, as well as any other criteria you selected, will be displayed.
- SSN/Tax ID: You can enter a social security number or a tax identification number for a business and the system will display anyone that matches.
- Born on or after/before: You can enter a date of birth in this field and it will find everyone with a date of birth on or after or before that date. These two fields can be very helpful if you are searching for an age range, such as all kids who turned 18 last year. The system will only display 100 results. If there are more results than that, they are lost. You will need to narrow your search. Instead of saying born after 1/1/1994 and before 1/1/1995, you may have to search for after 1/1/1994 and before 6/30/1994, then search again for 7/1/1994 through 12/31/1994.
- Case Type: You can limit your results to only those people who have a case of a specific type. If you search for last name Smith, you know he is a White/Male and at some point he had a delinquency case, you can enter all those search criteria. It will search for open and closed delinquency cases.
- Date Filed: You can enter a date, say yesterday for example, and it will give you every person who had a case filed or opened yesterday.
- Incident ID: If you know the incident ID number, you can enter it here and it will show you everyone who has an incident with that incident ID number in it.
- Citation Number: If you know a specific citation number, you can enter it here and it will show you everyone who has an incident with that citation number in it.
- Other ID: If you know a number from another system, for example a DOC number, you can select what type of ID the number is, then type in the number you are searching for.
- Employer Agency: If you select an agency, such as Public Defender’s Officer, the system will display everyone who is assigned to that agency on their PERSON DETAIL screen.
- User ID: If you want to find a person and you know their User ID, you can enter it here and you will be taken to their PERSON DETAIL screen.
- Employer Division/Unit: If you choose an employer division or unit, the system will display everyone assigned to that division and/or unit.
- Address contains: You can enter a partial address and the system will display everyone who has an address with that word or phrase in it.
- Active Only: If checked, the address contains search will only search for current addresses that have that word or phrase in it. If the address has an END DATE, it will not be included in the results. If unchecked, the results will include those addresses with an END DATE.
- Contact number contains: You can enter a full or partial number or email address and the system will search the contact numbers and display anyone who has a contact number that matches.
Click the SUBMIT button or press ALT+S to display the results of your selections.
Adding a New Name:
After you have searched for a name and the results say No matches found you will need to add a person. There are two options, Add a New Name and Add a New Agency Person. Adding a new name is for most people. Adding a new agency person is for professional people associated with an agency, such as Quest users, Law Enforcement, Public Defenders, Prosecutors, etc.
- First Name, Middle Name, Last Name/Business: These should be the person’s full legal name. They should be entered using proper punctuation. The Last Name field is also used for a business name, in the event you are adding a business, the whole name legal name goes in the Last Name slot.
- Generation: Select the generation, if appropriate. Jr. Sr. II, etc.
- File Number: The computer will assign this number automatically when a case is added. It is a unique number assigned to each person who has a CASE in the system.
- Emancipated: When a child has been emancipated, you can click on the yes. This is not really being used for anything at the moment.
- Status: This will default to ALIVE. Once a person is deceased, you will need to indicate that here. When you select that a person is deceased, the system will always show their name and then (deceased) after it. John Smith – Deceased
- Race: Select the appropriate race of the person. Don’t assume someone’s race.
- Sex: Select the appropriate sex of the person.
- Date of birth: Enter the person’s date of birth. MM/DD/YY
- Date of death: Enter the person’s date of death if appropriate. Don’t forget to change the status to deceased.
- Ethnicity: Select the appropriate choice.
- Citizenship: Select the appropriate choice.
- Language: Select the appropriate choice.
- Marital status: Select the appropriate choice.
- Religion: Select the appropriate choice.
- Height: Put in the feet TAB and then the inches.
- Weight: Put in the weight in pounds.
- Hair color: Select the appropriate hair color.
- Eye color: Select the appropriate eye color.
- Place of birth: Put in the person’s place of birth.
- SSN/Business ID: Put in the person’s social security number, 000-00-0000, or if you are adding a business and you know their employer identification number, you can put that in here 00-0000000. You do not need to use the dashes.
- Notes: The notes section can be used to put any miscellaneous information about this person. Be aware that everyone who can view this person can see this note area.
Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.
Once you have updated your entries, the other areas of the PERSON DETAIL screen becomes available.
If you try to add a person that the system has identified as a person as a potential match, you will see this screen.
- If the potential match IS the person you are trying to add, just click on the person’s name.
- If the potential match IS NOT the person you are adding, click the ADD button at the bottom of the screen to continue adding your person.
Adding a Business Name:
When you add a business to the system, you should look up their name in the phone book or google them to get their full legal name. Walmart for example is routinely misspelled and duplicated. Wal-Mart, Wal Mart, Walmart with address and without addresses as part of the name. Every jurisdiction will need to develop their own policies about how to enter business names.
One option would be to just enter the business name Walmart, add the address for each business in the address area, then when doing a name search you could display addresses so you can select the appropriate Walmart location. There is no right or wrong way, but it should be consistent to avoid duplications.
Adding a new Agency Person:
By clicking the Add a New Agency Person option, you will get the Employer Information section. Here you can add information about that person so when you add them to cases or incidents, you simply have to type their ID number and the system will use that information to add them. This is also the section where Quest Users are added and given security clearance, a User ID, and a password so they can access Quest.
- ID Number: An ID number should be assigned to every agency person. For law enforcement it could be their badge number, for employees it could be letters based on their name. Every jurisdiction should have standard policies about ID numbers. It should be something that is easily known to the Quest users who will be adding these people to cases or incidents.
- Person Type: Select the appropriate choice to reflect what type of person this person is. Public Defender, Probation Officer, Judge, Law Enforcement, etc.
- Agency: Select the agency that employs this person.
- Division: Select the appropriate division of the agency, if applicable.
- Unit: Select the appropriate unit within the agency, if applicable.
Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.