Forgot My Password
If you have forgotten your password you can now reset it yourself.
Click the Forgot my password button.
This will bring you to the Reset Your Password Screen.
- Jurisdiction: Enter the jurisdiction you wish to sign into.
- User ID: enter your Quest user ID.
Click the Update button.
If a matching user was found with an email address, the password was changed, and an email was sent with the new password.
If you have a matching user ID and an email in that jurisdiction, it will send an email to the email address listed in your Person Detail screen under Contacts.
You can log into Quest with your username and this new one-time password. This password is good until you use it. It will not work a second time.
Changing your password:
- Menu | Person | Name Search | Search for your own name.
- Once inside your PERSON DETAIL screen, scroll down to the Employer Information (for agency employees) section.
- Go to the password section.
- Type your new password, hit TAB, type the password again.
Click the Update button.
- Make sure the top says “updates completed successfully”. If your passwords didn’t match, there will be an error message.