This section allows you to look at requirements from a department point of view.
FROM THE MENU: Miscellaneous, Requirements
Requirement Alerts:
In the case of the requirement electronic monitoring for example, if the equipment sends an alert, you can add that alert to the requirement. This list is a way to see how many of each type of alert you are receiving, etc.
- Start date: Enter the beginning date you wish to start seeing alerts. This defaults to one month ago. The results will display any alert dated during this time frame.
- thru: Enter the ending date you wish to see alerts.
- Alert type: Select the alert type you wish to view if you want to narrow the results to a specific type. If left on Select all alert types will be shown.
- Requirement type: You can narrow your search results to a specific requirement type. Select the one you wish to view, or leave on select to view all.
- Requirement code: You can narrow your search results to a specific requirement code. Select the one you wish to view, or leave on select to view all.
- PO User ID: You can enter the Quest User ID of a specific probation officer to narrow the results to only those cases where that officer is assigned to the case.
- PO Unit: You can select a specific unit to narrow the results to only those cases assigned to someone in that unit.
- Include Notes: If selected this will display any note made on the REQUIREMENT ALERT DETAIL screen.
- Only include open alerts: If selected this will narrow the results to only those alerts that do not have an alert finding entered on them.
- Include PO: If selected, this will include the current probation officer.
See Case Requirements for more information on alerts.
Requirement Counts:
This area allows you to see a current total count for each requirement. If you click on the words of the requirement, you will be taken to the LIST REQUIREMENTS ASSIGNED screen where you can view a list of the names assigned to that requirement.
FROM THE MENU: Miscellaneous, Requirements
- Case type: You can narrow this list to only a specific type of case, or you can leave this blank to see total counts regardless of case.
Click the SUBMIT button or press ALT+S to display the results of your selections.
Requirement Slots
In the event you have a program for example that only have the ability to hold a certain number of participants. You can assign that requirement a specific number of slots. As the requirements are added and removed, the requirement slots area shows you how many slots are left. This has been designed to be updated daily. Every day you would need to add a new slot.
FROM THE MENU: Miscellaneous, Requirements, Requirement Slots
- Requirement Type: Select the appropriate requirement type.
- Requirement Code: Select the appropriate requirement code that you wish to add a maximum limit.
Click the SUBMIT button or press ALT+S to display the results of your selections.
To Add a new slot
- Type: This will display the requirement type you chose on the last screen.
- Code: This will display the requirement code you chose on the last screen.
- Start date: The date the number of slots available takes effect.
- Slots: The number of slots available for this requirement code.
Click on the UPDATE button or press ALT+U to save your changes.
To view the number of slots remaining, you must come to this screen.
List Requirements Assigned
This area will provide you with a list of people who have been assigned a specific requirement. If you want to know how many people have been ordered into a specific program for example, you can pull this list. By clicking on the START DATE you will be taken to the REQUIREMENT DETAIL screen. If you click on the person’s name, you will be taken to their PERSON DETAIL screen.
FROM THE MENU: Miscellaneous, Requirements, Requirements Assigned
- Requirement type: Choose the requirement type you wish to view.
- Requirement code: Choose the requirement code you wish to view. This is not a required field. If you leave it blank, it will show everyone participating in the requirement type regardless of the code.
- Start date: Enter the beginning date you wish to view. This list will show every requirement with a start date that matches this.
- Thru: Enter the ending date you wish to view. This list will show every requirement with a start date up to this date.
- Only include unfinished: Checked this list will only show those requirements with no status or a status that has been coded to mean still open. Unchecked this will include all requirements even those with a status that means closed.
- Include current PO: Checked the list will display the name of all Probation Officer’s currently assigned to the case.
- Case type: You can narrow the results of this list to a specific case type. If left blank, all case types will be displayed.
- Provider: You can narrow the results of this list to a specific provider. The list will only display those requirements that have that provider selected on them.
- Attribute: You can narrow the results of this list to display only those requirements with a specific requirement attribute added.
- Status: You can narrow the results of this list to display only those requirements with a specific requirement status selected.
Click the SUBMIT button or press ALT+S to display the results of your selections.